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Energy consumption with a standard load, fan-forced
0.69 kWh/cycle
Number of cavities 1
Heat source Electricity
Volume 43 l
Type of oven Built-In Oven
Mass 32.6 kg
EN 60350-1 - Household electric cooking
appliances - Part 1: Ranges, ovens, steam
ovens and grills - Methods for measuring
Energy saving
The appliance contains features which help
you save energy during everyday cooking.
General hints
Make sure that the oven door is
closed properly when the appliance
operates and keep it closed as much
as possible during the cooking.
Use metal dishes to improve the
energy saving.
When possible, put the food inside
the oven without heating it up.
When the cooking duration is longer
than 30 minutes, reduce the oven
temperature to minimum, 3 - 10
minutes before the end of the
cooking time, depending on the
duration of the cooking. The residual
heat inside the oven will continue to
Use the residual heat to warm up
other foods.
Cooking with fan - when possible, use
the cooking functions with fan to save
Residual heat
In some oven functions if a
programme with time selection
(Duration, End, Time Delay) is
activated and the cooking time is
longer than 30 minutes, the heating
elements deactivate automatically
10% earlier. The fan and lamp
continue to operate.
Cooking with the lamp off -
deactivate the lamp during the cooking
and activate only when you need it.
Keep food warm - if you want to use
the residual heat to keep the meal warm,
choose the lowest possible temperature
setting. The display shows the residual
heat temperature.
Eco functions - refer to "Oven
When you use the Moist Fan Baking
function, the lamp deactivates after 30
seconds. You can activate it again
according to your preferences.
When you use the ECO functions, the
lamp deactivates. You can activate it
again according to your preferences.
Recycle the materials with the symbol .
Put the packaging in applicable containers
to recycle it. Help protect the environment
and human health and to recycle waste of
electrical and electronic appliances. Do not
dispose appliances marked with the symbol
with the household waste. Return the
product to your local recycling facility or
contact your municipal office.
Progress 43

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