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Work light ENERGY
EN - 1
We thank you for the purchase of this Profile product.
Note: It is important that you read this manual carefully
before using the product Then keep this manual in a
safe place.
Technical information
Work light IP44.
Mains voltage: 230V (16A)
Power: 24W – 36W – 60W.
Incl. 3 energy-saving bulbs, E27 fitting, with a
working life of up to 5,000 hours.
2 plug sockets, IP54, with max. power of 3650W.
Cable: H07RN-F 3G1.5mm² (length = 2M)
Adjustable support.
With ergonomic handle.
Bringing into use
Insert the plug in the plug socket. There is
immediately mains voltage on the 2 plug sockets at
the back (handy for connecting to an operating
On the rear of the work light there are also 2
switches to operate the lights: either the 24V light
burns, two 18W lights burn, or all lights burn.
The position of the support can be gradually set with
the adjusting screw.
Repairs and maintenance
When replacing the energy-saving bulb the work
light must first have cooled before these parts can
be replaced. Also always disconnect the power
supply by pulling the plug out of the socket.
One can remove the Plexiglas by unscrewing the 4
screws. Always replace the energy-saving bulbs by
energy-saving bulbs with the same properties.
To replace the Plexiglas tighten the screws again.
The work light must also have cooled before
cleaning the Plexiglas. One can then clean the
Plexiglas with a dry cloth.
Safety instructions
The importer accepts no responsibility for damage
claims with respect to objects or persons that result
from incorrect use or non-compliance with the safety
instructions. Any damage claims in such cases will be
declared null and void.
Guarantee conditions
The guarantee period for the PLI-240 amounts to 2
years and commences on the date of purchase. During
the guarantee period ELTRA NV will repair any defects
attributable to material or production faults. ELTRA NV
may choose to either repair or replace a defective
ELTRA NV is not obliged to repair or replace
appliances if they have become defective as a result of
damage, inappropriate use, or modifications or
adaptations made after the purchase date.
Take any defective appliance together with the original
receipt back to the shop where the appliance was sold.
Always add a note with a description of the problem.
ELTRA NV can under no circumstances whatsoever
be held responsible for damage of whatever nature if
the appliance was not correctly installed according to
the specified installation instructions, nor for damage
as a result of unforeseen circumstances such as
natural disasters, lightening strike, etc. All such
resulting costs are consequently at the expense of the
buyer and are not covered by the guarantee
Eltra nv, Pachtgoedstraat 2, 9140 Temse, BELGIUM
Eltra DIYeuronet,
Frontstraat 14
, 5405 AM Uden,

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