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EN - 1
We thank you for the purchase of this Profile product.
Note: It is important that you read this manual
carefully before using the product And be sure to save
this manual for possible use later.
Check if building regulations apply to your area
whereby you must have the halogen hand lamp
installed by an accredited electrician. An electrician
can give you information about correct wiring. Never
install the fitting outside in rainy weather.
Correct installation
With installation outside preferably choose a place
under a roof.
Do not place the sensor head in direct or reflected
sunlight. The halogen hand lamp may then switch
on when not required. The sensor works best with
movement “crosswise” through the sensor's
detection field.
Connect the halogen hand lamp to a circuit with wall
Unscrew the stainless steel bolts on the side to take
the holder from the fitting.
Fix the holder to the wall with 2 screws. Do not fix
the holder to a highly flammable surface. Leave a
distance of at least 1 m between the halogen hand
lamp and the object to be illuminated. (see fig. 2)
Install the halogen hand lamp at least 2.5 m above
the ground. (see fig.1)
Fig. 1 Fig. 2
CAUTION: There is an “UP” arrow on the inside of
the holder. The arrow must point upwards when you
mark the position of the holes.
Fig. 3
Pull the power supply wires through the opening
with the rubber packing.
Connect the electric wiring according to figures 4
and 5.
The halogen hand lamp must be connected to
mains voltage of 230V, max. fusing 16A.
Fig. 4
Fig. 5
Screw the cable connection cover tight again.
Always respect the instructions on the identification
label of the connected power cables.
Other uses than described above can cause
damage to the product and increase the risk of
short-circuit, fire, electric shocks, etc.
The product may not be adapted as a whole. The
safety instructions must be strictly observed.
Safety instructions
The importer accepts no responsibility for damage
claims with respect to objects or persons that result
from incorrect use or non-compliance with the
safety instructions. Any damage claims in such
cases will be declared null and void.
When replacing the halogen bulb the lamp must
first have cooled before the bulb is replaced. Also
disconnect the power supply. Do not exceed the
maximum wattage of 150W.
CAUTION: Never touch the bulb with your fingers.
Touching the bulb with your fingers can reduce the
life of the bulb.
Always replace cracked or broken glass by glass
with the same properties as the original glass.
Technical information
Working voltage: 230V AC (50/60 Hz)
Maximum lamp power: 150W.
Maximum current strength: 10/16A.
Dustproof and splash proof: IP44.
Only use a dry, soft cloth for cleaning the halogen
hand lamp. And make sure that the lamp has first
Never immerse the lamp in water.
* L = phase
= earthing
* N = neutral

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Andere handleiding(en) van Profile PLI-174

Profile PLI-174 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

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