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BELCANTO SET – Cordless doorbel set UK - 1
Thank you for purchasing this Profile product.
Please note: It is important that you read this
manual before using the product. And be sure to
save this manual for possible use later.
The cordless doorbell consists of 2 separate
1. Push-button unit (transmitter)
2. Bell unit (receiver)
These items are completely independent of each
other and require no wiring.
When the push-button is pressed in, a signal is sent
to the bell, whereupon the bell is activated. Since it
has a range of up to 100 metres (in open spaces)
you can use the bell virtually anywhere in the house,
workshop, office, set it up in the garden or just carry
it with you.
Battery installation
Push-button unit (fig1)
1. The push-button unit works using 1 x 3v
(CR2032) lithium battery (included).
2. The lithium battery is already installed.
Open the push-button and remove the
insulator strip.
3. Snap the rear side back into position, and
the push-button is ready for use.
To replace the battery:
1. Open up the push-button unit.
2. Remove the metal plate using a
3. Place a 3v battery (CR2032) in the battery
compartment, making sure the positive
terminal (+) is uppermost.
Bell unit
1. Slide the rear cover open.
2. Place 2 AA alkaline batteries into the
battery compartment.
3. The bell unit will produce a two-tone signal,
indicating that it is ready to read a digital
code (see channel selection).
4. Slide the cover firmly back into place; the
bell is now ready for use.
Push-button unit
Use the two small holes on
the rear of the push-button to
mark the position for
securing in place. Drill small
holes and mount the push-
button in position with
screws (self-tapping 3 x
16mm, included) or use the
double-sided adhesive tape
Important: If you secure the
push-button onto a metal
upper surface or PVC type of door (with metal), its
maximum range of transmission will be greatly
Bell unit
This bell can be used as a portable device - or fixed
into position. On the reverse side, there are two
suspension slots, with which the bell can be hung
up using a screw, and can easily be taken down
Choice of bell tone
The bell-tone selector button is inside the push-
button unit, below letter “S”. Press the button once
to hear the bell tone already set. Press again to
hear and select the next tune.
1. westminster chime 2. Ding-Dong
3. Ding-Dong-Ding 4.Orchestra
Optionally: It is possible to instal an extra push-
button by your back door. By applying the procedure
given above, each push-button can produce a
different tune.
Channel selection
The unit is supplied with a pre-set radio frequency. If
by chance the bell should sound for no apparent
reason, it's possible that another device nearby is
using the same frequency. To get round this
problem, you can change the frequency of the push-
button and bell.
1. remove the cover behind the push-button.
2. To program or change: remove the
batteries from the bell unit for at least 30
seconds to prime the memory.
3. place the batteries back into position
within. Press the push-button after the two-
tone signal sound (with a second press of
the button if need be) to confirm the new
code. Do this within 1 minute. Don’t use
any other cordless products for the next 5
4. Test for correct operation.
Battery indicator
A red warning light will show on the bell unit LEDs
when the battery needs replacing.
Trouble-shooting and tips
Bell rings, but LEDs fail to light up
Possible cause:
The bell is out-of-range (max. 100m in open
Push-button and bell are not set to the same
Possible solution:
Move the bell within range
Reprogram the channel (see channel selection)

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Zoeken resetten

  • Een radioprogramma welke ik wil afspelen via Belcanto Seek speelt telkens slechts gedurende 1 minuut en valt dan stil.
    Ik krijg dan de melding: Please connect de Belcanto Seek compatibel Devise to Your netwerk.
    Heeft in het verleden steeds normaal gespeeld.
    Iemand een idee of tip wat er verkeerd zou zijn? Gesteld op 27-2-2020 om 17:53

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Profile PAC-326 Belcanto Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

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