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Videophone Profile EN - 1
We thank you for the purchase of this Profile product.
Note: It is important that you read this manual carefully
before using the product Then keep this manual in a
safe place.
Technical data Monitor
Supply voltage adapter: 230VAC/15VDC 1.5A
Working current: +/- 300 mA
Operating temperature: -10°C to 60°C
Max relative humidity: 85%
Number of pixels: 480 horizontal X 240 vertical
Screen size: 2.36 Inches (diagonal)
Video system: PAL/NTSC
Total dimensions: 265(L) x 94(B) x 45(H) mm
Technical data Camera
Working current: <300mA
Temperature for use: -20°C/+50°C
Type:pinhole camera
Focus/image angle: 50°
Total dimensions:120(L)x41(W)x45(H)mm
Technical requirements for connections
Use either the 10-metre cable supplied or wiring
measuring 0.6 - 0.8 mm² with a max. length of 30
You need a plug socket that is max. 1.5 m from the
Required wires without door lock: 4
Required wires with door lock: 6
Monitor with receiver
Protective cover for external unit
Mounting bracket for monitor
Spacer bushes for camera
Fixing screws
Connecting cable 10 m
Safety instructions
The monitor and camera may never be cleaned
with detergents. Only use soap and a damp cloth.
The adapter's power wiring may never be cut
through nor extended; this renders the guarantee
The monitor may not be placed close to magnetic
fields such as next to a TV or thick power cables.
Water may never be poured over the camera or
monitor. The outside camera is only splashproof.
Assembly instructions
1. If there is not yet any wiring:
The position of the monitor is determined as
follows: the height is approximately 165 cm, and is
max. 150 cm from the plug socket into which the
adapter will be plugged. The connecting cable
between monitor and camera must therefore come
from the wall behind the monitor. Tubing must be
provided to contain the cable so the cable can
move freely. If possible also provide tubing with a
sufficiently large diameter, 20-25mm.
Determine the position of the camera outside at
the door. The ideal installation height is 155 to
165 cm. Then smaller and larger persons remain
in picture.
Bring the camera cable to the monitor from outside
to inside; the cable is moulded.
Connect the wiring according to diagram below.
We again emphasise that the power supply wiring
may not be extended or cut through: this causes
the appliance to work poorly and invalidates the
Cut off the cables with 2 cores without door lock.
If a door lock is to be connected, its connection
must be from the outside camera as shown on the
diagram below. The lock may consume no more
than 300 mA and must have a memory function
(the lock remains in position “free” until just before
the door is pushed open). The 2 wires are already
provided in a moulded cable (4m)
2. if there is already existing wiring (max.30m):
The wire diameter must be between 0,6 and 0,8
Shorten the moulded cables to the desired length
and strip the wires approximately 1cm. If an
electrical door lock is used: also strip the 2-core
cable over a length of 1cm.
The door lock is connected from the camera with
the moulded cable with two wires.
The lock may consume no more than 300 mA and
must have a memory function (the lock remains in
a free position as long as the door is not pushed
If a recess can be provided behind the camera in
the wall or door frame, connect the wiring through
the connecting blocks and work it away in the
recess. If you cannot do this the wires must be
twisted together and insulated with insulation tape.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Profile PAC-106 Classic Videofoon

Profile PAC-106 Classic Videofoon Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

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