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Electrical devices are not toys. Keep the product away from children. There can be dangers that can´t
be recognised by children
This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they are supervised or have been
instructed on how to use the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be
supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. Eventually necessary cleaning or
maintenance may not be carried out by children.
Using the device, maintenance and repair work may only be carried out by qualified personnel who
are familiar with the risks involved, the relevant regulations and with the guidelines and safety
precautions to be applied.
Do not try to disassemble the device - the internal circuitry contains hazardous voltages. Attempting
to service the unit yourself may result in electric shock or fire and will void the unit warranty.
Always keep metal objects or other materials that can short circuit the terminals of the battery
securely away. A resulting spark or short-circuit may not only damage the device, but also cause an
explosion and potentially produce a current high enough to weld a ring or the like to metal. Remove
personal metal items such as rings, bracelets, necklaces, and watches when working on the device or
the battery.
Operate the device only, if all cables and the housing are undamaged and all connections are tight
and clean. Loose or dirty connections could result in overheating, electrical sparks and fire.
Only use the product as intended and for purposes described in the manual.
After opening the package, examine all parts for visible damage. If you have found any damage,
please contact the company you purchased this unit from.
Power-off and stop using the device immediately, if the unit is smoking or is showing any abnormal
behaviour. Do not put the device in operation again without contacting the seller or manufacturer.
Never connect cables in reverse polarity or short-circuit connected cables. This may blow internal
fuses and may damage the device permanently.
Ensure the device is standing firmly. The device must be set up and fastened in such a way that it
cannot tip over or fall down.
Only use the product in environments from -40°C ~ 65°C.
Do not put anything that should be protected from sparks around the device. Do not operate the
product in damp, wet or dusty environments: Never expose the device to rain or snow. Doing so may
result in damage to the device or other equipment installed in the system or result in electric shock
or fire. Do not operate the unit in explosive atmospheres, such as in the presence of flammable liquids,
gases or dust. Doing so may result in fire or explosion.
To avoid heat accumulation - do not cover the device. To prevent overheating , ensure that air inlets
and ventilation is not obstructed. Do not expose the device to a heat source (such as direct sunlight
or heating). Avoid additional heating of the device in this way.
Electrical Cables
Do not pull on the cables.
Prevent all cables from being stepped on, tripped over, or being damaged by e.g. sharp edges or hot

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