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Copyright © 2013
Pride Mobility Products Europe B.V.
INFMANU4579/Rev A/December 2013
NOTE: This owner’s manual is compiled from the latest specifications and product information available at
the time of publication. We reserve the right to make changes as they become necessary. Any changes to our
products may cause slight variations between the illustrations and explanations in this manual and the product
you have purchased. The latest/current version of this manual is available on our website.
NOTE: This product is compliant with WEEE, RoHS, and REACH directives and requirements.
NOTE: This product meets IPX4 classification (IEC60529).
NOTE: The Q6 Edge and its components are not made with natural rubber latex. Consult with the
manufacturer regarding any after-market accessories.
WARNING! A Quantum Rehab Provider or a qualified technician must perform the initial setup of
this power chair and must perform all of the procedures in this manual.
The symbols below are used throughout this owner’s manual and on the power chair to identify warnings and
important information. It is very important for you to read them and understand them completely.
WARNING! Indicates a potentially hazardous condition/situation. Failure to follow designated
procedures can cause either personal injury, component damage, or malfunction. On the
product, this icon is represented as a black symbol on a yellow triangle with a black border.
MANDATORY! These actions should be performed as specified. Failure to perform mandatory
actions can cause personal injury and/or equipment damage. On the product, this icon is
represented as a white symbol on a blue dot with a white border.
PROHIBITED! These actions are prohibited. These actions should not be performed at any time
or in any circumstances. Performing a prohibited action can cause personal injury and/or
equipment damage. On the product, this icon is represented as a black symbol with a red circle
and red slash.
The intended use of the Pride Mobility Products device is to provide mobility to persons limited to a seated
position that have the capability of operating a powered wheelchair.
Quick Reference Information:

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