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Please note:
This power chair is an electrical, non-aseptic, reusable product without
chemical substances
The safety and durability of this product depends not only on the structural
strength of products, but also on the user usage and use of the product
environment, user habits, whether the periodic maintenance, maintenance
and other factors are followed .
Our products are warranted from the date of production for 7 years.
(production date on inspection certificate).
2.1 Instructions before using
2.1.1 If the user manual is not completely read and understood, please do
not drive.
2.1.2 The maximum loading capacity is 100kg, please do not drive
overloaded . And it is for single use, please do not carry passengers.
2.1.3 Please do not drive after consuming alcohol or when tired.
2.1.4 Do not drive at night or in the case of an unclear line of sight.
2.1.5 Please self-test before driving and refer to the manual section 5.3
"Commissioning" and 6.2.1 "Practice before operation " if driving for the
first time.
2.1.6 This chair is not waterproof, do not expose in rain and snow as well as
driving in rain or snow.
2.2 Notices for use
2.2.1 This power chair can drive on a good smooth surface, but will not
perform optimal on muddy, soft, or icy roads.
2.2.2 This power chair has the ability of riding over a ditch or obstacle,when
doing this you should reduce the speed and travel slowly.
2.2.3 This power chair can climb slopes of maximum 6°.
2.2.4 Please avoid driving in the crowds, traffic and other places with heavy
2.2.5 Please ensure that the motor lock lever in “Electric” position, chair is
on electric mode.
If your wheelchair moves accidentally, please immediately
release the joystick so that the wheelchair will stop moving
automatically. If the joystick is malfunctioning and the brakes
don't respond, please cut off the power.
2.3 Electromagnetic interference
Your wheelchair may be traveling in the areas affected by electromagnetic
interference from some radio transmitters such as radio, wireless intercom,
mobile phones and radars etc. In these cases, your wheelchairs driving
may be affected by them.
WARNING! Electronic equipment can be affected by
Electro-Magnetic Interference(EMI). Such interference
may be from radio stations, TV stations, mobile phones
and other radio transmitters. If the wheelchair exhibits
abnormal situations due the wheelchair, and consult your
service agent. We accepts no legal liability for losses of
any kind arising from failure to comply with this condition.
2.2.6 Please ensure that the controller system fixed well, joystick is
straight and correct. Sit comfortably and fasten the lap belt. Sit back
against the backrest, this helps with stability on oneven roads. 2.2.7
Press the on/off button, firstly check whether the current fastest
speed setting is appropriate for your operating proficiency, or it
should be adjusted for safety. We recommend that the user should
drive slowly in the beginning for every use, and gradually speed up.
3 4

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