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Removing packaging reinforcement
Tilt the machine backwards to remove the packaging
reinforcement. Remove the packaging reinforcement by
pulling the ribbon.
Removing the transportation locks
out the packaging reinforcement.
Remove the transportation safety bolts before operating
the washing machine, otherwise, the product will be
1. Loosenalltheboltswithaspanneruntiltheyrotate
freely (C).
2. Remove transportation safety bolts by turning them
3. AttachtheplasticcoverssuppliedintheUserManual
bag into the holes on the rear panel. (P)
reuse when the washing machine needs to be moved
again in the future.
Never move the product without the transportation
safety bolts properly fixed in place!
Connecting water supply
open tap in one minute to have your machine run
smoothly. Attach a pressure reducing valve if water
pressure is higher.
supplied stopper to the hot water valve before operating
the product. (Applies for the products supplied with a
blind stopper group.)
connect the hot water hose after removing the stopper
and gasket group from the hot water valve. (Applies for
the products supplied with a blind stopper group.)
Models with a single water inlet should not be
laundry will get damaged or the product will switch to
protection mode and will not operate.
1. Connectthespecialhosessuppliedwiththeproductto
for cold water inlet.
Ensure that the cold and hot water connections are
made correctly when installing the product. Otherwise,
your laundry will come out hot at the end of the washing
process and wear out.
2. Tighten all hose nuts by hand. Never use a wrench
when tightening the nuts.
3. Open the taps completely after making the hose
connection to check for water leaks at the connection
the nut. Retighten the nut carefully after checking the
seal. To prevent water leakages and damages caused
by them, keep the taps closed when the machine is not
in use.
Connecting to the drain
• Theendofthedrainhosemustbedirectlyconnectedto
the wastewater drain or to the washbasin.
Your house will be flooded if the hose comes out of
its housing during water discharge. Moreover, there is
risk of scalding due to high washing temperatures! To
prevent such situations and to ensure smooth water
intake and discharge of the machine, fix the end of the
discharge hose tightly so that it cannot come out.
• Thehoseshouldbeattachedtoaheightofatleast40
• Incasethehoseiselevatedafterlayingitonthefloor
ground), water discharge becomes more difficult and
the laundry may come out excessively wet. Therefore,
follow the heights described in the figure.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Powerplus POWXG8035LI

Powerplus POWXG8035LI Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 11 pagina's

Powerplus POWXG8035LI Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 12 pagina's

Powerplus POWXG8035LI Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 10 pagina's

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