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Copyright © 2016 VARO P a g e | 1 www.varo.com
This outdoor lighting with a passive infra-red motion detector is the ideal outdoors security
system for your house, office, warehouse, garage, etc. It is equipped with the most
advanced passive infra-red technology to detect the heat radiation of people, animals, and
cars within a range of approximately 10 meters. In case of any movement the lamp will go
on. The period the lamp burns can be adjusted to anywhere from 5 seconds to 12 minutes.
A built-in semi darkness switch, turns off the motion sensor during those hours in order to
save energy. This also prolongs the product life of the lamp. This LED floodlight is suited
as security illumination as well as offering comfort: desired visitors will automatically
receive illumination when necessary.
WARNING! For your own safety, read this manual and the general
safety instructions carefully before using the appliance. Your LED
floodlight should only be given to other users together with these
In this manual and/or on the machine the following symbols are used:
Read the manual before using the machine
In accordance with essential applicable safety standards of European
The floodlight may not be attached against a mast (pole). Best installed onto a fence
or a wall, in a warehouse, shop or a similar place.
Replace the protection glass immediately if damaged.
4.1 Assembling the floodlight
Turn off the main circuit breaker.
Attach this light with two screws of max. 4mm.
4.2 Wiring diagram
For mounting use a connection supply cable with N = blue, earth = green/yellow and
L = brown and connect as shown in fig 3. Screw the barrel nut of the screw cap so

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Andere handleiding(en) van Powerplus POWLI231 - LED FLOODLIGHT

Powerplus POWLI231 - LED FLOODLIGHT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

Powerplus POWLI231 - LED FLOODLIGHT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Powerplus POWLI231 - LED FLOODLIGHT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 4 pagina's

Powerplus POWLI231 - LED FLOODLIGHT Aanvulling / aanpassing - Alle talen - 3 pagina's

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