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8.1 Steps prior to operation
Only operate the device after completely assembling it. Prior to each use, check the power cord
for signs of damage. Under no circumstances should the power cord be used if it shows any signs
of damage.
Ensure that the blow/vac is only connected to conventional sockets with a 230 V alternating
current supply.
8.2 Switching ON/OFF (Fig. 4)
Press the On/Off switch to start machine.
To stop the machine simply let go of the On / Off switch.
8.3 Use/Operation
The easiest way to use the blow/vac is to place the shoulder belt in a comfortable position over
your shoulder and hold the rear handle at hip height so that the majority of the tool’s weight rests
on the rollers.
When using the blow/vac to pick up leaves it is best to move the tool on its rollers. This ensures
that the blow/vac is at the perfect height above the ground. The blow/vac is designed only to pick
up leaves. To avoid damage to the tool that is not covered by the warranty, do not use it to pick up
branches, stones or other hard materials.
When using the tool as a leaf blower always work away from solid objects such as walls, fences,
etc. Whilst you work do not place the blow/vac tube too close to the leaves. The tool will be more
effective if you keep it at a certain distance away from the leaves and blow the leaves forwards.
8.4 Switching operating mode (Fig. 5)
To switch the tool from blower mode to vacuum mode, simply switch it off at the main
switch and move the blow - vacuum function selector lever to the desired position.
8.5 Collection bag
Note: Before you remove and empty the collection bag ensure that the tool has been
disconnected from the mains power supply.
To empty the collection bag simply open the zip fastener, empty the bag and then close the zip
fastener again
When the collection bag is open you can also check the function of the blow/vac’s slide control. If
there is a blockage in the tool, check this function and remove the blockage.
Attention! Before performing any work on the equipment, pull the power plug.
9.1 Cleaning
Keep the ventilation slots of the tool clean to prevent overheating of the engine.
Regularly clean the tool housing with a soft cloth, preferably after each use.
If the dirt does not come off use a soft cloth moistened with soapy water.
Never use solvents such as petrol, alcohol, ammonia water, etc. These solvents may damage the
plastic parts.
9.2 Maintenance
Our tools have been designed to operate over a long period of time with a minimum of
maintenance. Continuous satisfactory operation depends upon proper tool care and regular

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Andere handleiding(en) van Powerplus POWEG9013

Powerplus POWEG9013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 10 pagina's

Powerplus POWEG9013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 10 pagina's

Powerplus POWEG9013 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 10 pagina's

Powerplus POWEG9013 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Alle talen - 4 pagina's

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