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POWE00015 EN
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Do not force the machine, let the machine do the work this will reduce the wear on the
machine and cutter and increase its efficiency and operating life.
Batteries may leak or explode if not handled correctly .Always observe the following
precautions when handling batteries.
Do not use this battery in this product for any other purpose.
Do not attempt to dismantle the product.
Do not immerse in or expose the product to water.
Batteries are prone to leakage when discharged .to avoid damage to the product, Re-
charge the when no charge remains.
Store the product in a cool place when not in use
After prolonged use the battery in this product may become hot, Switch the machine off
and allow the battery to cool down.
Do not use the product if notice any discoloration or distortion of the casing.
Do not dispose of the product by incineration or in the domestic waste system, take the
product to an approved recycling or disposal facility.
CAUTION: The safety instructions should be read carefully before operating
the tool.
8.1 Battery charging (Fig. 1)
NOTE: During charging the battery will become warm as it is being charged.
The battery supplied with this power tool contains a test charge only and
must be fully charged before use. First read the safety instructions then
follow the charging instructions.
Connect the power supply to a suitable mains socket (important hints: check the voltage
on the model plate of the adapter (2)).
Plug the charger plug (3) into the charging socket (4) on the bottom handle of the cordless
Charge time is approx. 3-5 hours.
When the battery is loaded, the red power light (7) keeps illumining.
When fully charged, the red light will turn to solid green.
Unplug the charger plug from the mains socket, the screwdriver is ready to use.
Do not allow the cable to become knotted or kinked.
This adapter and product are specifically designed to work together. Do not
attempt to charge any other brand of cordless tool or battery pack with this
Unplug the adapter when not in use and store it in a suitable storage cabinet.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Powerplus POWE00015

Powerplus POWE00015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 9 pagina's

Powerplus POWE00015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 10 pagina's

Powerplus POWE00015 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 9 pagina's

Powerplus POWE00015 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Alle talen - 4 pagina's

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