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POW63170 EN
Copyright © 2012 VARO P a g e | 5 www.varo.com
Your new blower vac requires very little assembly work before it is ready for use.
Insert the intermediate suction/blower tube (1.1) into the vacuum-blower body ensuring that it
is fitted correctly and pushed fully home and secure with the two screws provided. Fit the
wheeled suction-blower tube into the intermediate suction-blower tube (1.2). Ensuring that it is
fitted correctly and pushed fully home.
Safety switch
Your blowvac tool comes equipped with a built-in safety switch to prevent the tool from starting
should the supplied tubes not be correctly mounted.
Shoulder strap:
The shoulder strap will be supplied inside the leaf bag. Take the shoulder strap out of the leaf
bag, open the snap fastener, thread the strap through the metal clip on the top of the motor
casing and then close the snap fastener. To adjust the shoulder strap to the required length,
simply slide the adjustable strap buckle forward or backwards.
Leaf bag:
Press de plastic openings of the leaf bag over the lower openings of the tool so that the 2
plastic clamps are firmly in place. The loops may be hung on the various plastic hooks
Steps prior to operation
Only operate the device after completely assembling it. Prior to each use, check the power
cord for signs of damage. Under no circumstances should the power cord be used if it shows
any signs of damage.
Ensure that the blower vac is only connected to conventional sockets with a 240V alternating
current supply. Only use extension cables if they are really necessary. The use of extension
cables may cause a drop in voltage, which will result in the tool not performing to its peak or
the motor overheating.
Switching ON/OFF
To switch on the blow/vac push in the on/off trigger switch (9) and hold. To switch off the tool,
release the on/off trigger switch.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Powerplus POW63170

Powerplus POW63170 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 9 pagina's

Powerplus POW63170 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 10 pagina's

Powerplus POW63170 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 9 pagina's

Powerplus POW63170 Aanvulling / aanpassing - Alle talen - 1 pagina's

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