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IAN 106197
44867 BOCHUM
Stand der Informationen Last Information Update:
07 / 2014 · Ident.-No.: PNL9A1-052014-1
Congratulations on the purchase of your new appliance.
You have decided to purchase a high-quality product.
The operating instructions are a component of this
product. They contain important information with regard
to safety, use and disposal. Before using the product,
familiarise yourself with all operating and safety
instructions. Use this appliance only as described
and only for the specifi ed areas of application. Retain
these instructions for future reference. Please also pass
these operating instructions on to any future owner(s).
Intended use
This appliance is exclusively intended for marking
hazardous areas using light signals. This appliance
in intended for domestic use only. Not to be used for
commercial purposes. This appliance it not intended
for the illumination of rooms in private homes.
This appliance must not be used on public roads.
This appliance is not a substitute for the protection
methods described in the r
oad traffi c regulations!
This appliance can be attached to metallic surfaces using
the magnet or suspended using the suspension eye.
Safety instructions
Warning! Risk of injury!
This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with limited physical, physiologi-
cal or intellectual abilities or lack of experience
and/or knowledge unless they are supervised by
a person who is responsible for their safety, or
receive instructions from this person on how to use
the appliance.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they
do not play with the appliance.
All repairs must be carried out by authorised specia-
list companies or the Customer Ser
vice department.
Improper repairs can pose signifi cant risks to the
user. Warranty claims also become void.
Never look directly into the illuminated LEDs!
This can cause e
ye damage!
Attention! Damage to property!
Defective components must always be replaced
with original replacement parts. It can only be
guaranteed that safety requirements are complied
with if original replacement parts are used.
Do not press the button using excessive force or
sharp objects.
Handling batteries
Hazards caused by improper use!
Do not throw the batteries into a fi re.
Do not short-circuit the batteries.
Do not attempt to recharge the batteries.
Regularly check the condition of the batteries.
Leaking batter
y acid can cause permanent
damage to the appliance.
Store batteries in a place inaccessible to children.
If a batter
y should be swallowed, seek medical
attention IMMEDIATELY.
If you do not intend to use the appliance for a
long time, r
emove the batteries.
Risk of acid burns!
Special care should be taken when handling a da-
maged or leaking battery. Wear protective gloves.
Scope of delivery
1 LED warning light
1 battery, type CR 123A (included as delivered)
This operating manual
Check the delivery for completeness and for signs
of visible damage.
If the delivery is incomplete, or is damaged due
to defectiv
e packaging or through transportation,
contact the Service Hotline (see chapter Service).
Appliance description
1 Screws
2 Plastic tabs
3 Threaded sleeves
4 Plastic tabs
5 Power button
6 Suspension eye
7 Ribbon
8 Battery compartment
9 Battery
Technical details
Voltage supply
3 V
Lithium battery,
type CR 123/CR 123A
16 pcs. /
0.04 W per LED
Operating modes 9
Protection type
IP 67
Protection against
temporary submersion
Changing/inserting the batteries
Only use type CR 123/CR 123A batteries for this
Unscrew the two screws 1 using a slotted scr
Turn the appliance over and remove the cover:
Use a fl
at, blunt object such as a screwdriver to
push the plastic tabs 2/4 up. Be careful not to
damage the appliance! Grip the 4 plastic tabs 2/4
on the cover with your fi ngers and then lift it up.
Hold the battery compartment 8
rmly and remove
the battery 9 and then take the ribbon 7 out.
Fold the ribbon 7 o
ver the new battery 9 and
insert the new battery 9 into the battery compart-
ment 8. Please ensure that the polarity is correct,
as depicted on the appliance!
Replace the cover. When doing this, ensure that
the plastic tabs 2/4 engage in the housing cor
rectly and that the sealing ring slides evenly into
the housing. If necessary, use a fl at screwdriver
to push the sealing ring carefully into the housing.
Push down the cover so that it is correctly seated
in the housing.
If the threaded sleeves 3 hav
e fallen out of the
cover, re-insert them into the holes in the cover.
Ensure that the fl attened sides of the threaded
sleeves 3 are pointing towards the centre of the
appliance. Otherwise it will not be possible to
slide the threaded sleeves 3 far enough into the
Insert the screws 1 into the holes again and
tighten the scr
ews 1.
Switch the appliance on by pressing the Power
button 5.
Switch through the diff erent operating modes by
essing the Power button 5 repeatedly:
360° rotation (running light)
Triple fl ash
Single fl ash
Flashing light
SOS Morse code
Permanent light, bright
Permanent light, weak
2 LED continuous light
4 LED continuous light
To switch off the appliance, press the Power
button 5 until the appliance switches off
You can save the last set operating mode so
that this is active the next time you switch on the
Select the desired operating mode by pressing
the P
ower button 5 repeatedly.
Press and hold the Power button 5 until the LED
ashes quickly 5 times. The appliance switches
off .
When you switch the appliance back on, the
last set oper
ating mode is active.
Do not use chemical or abrasive cleaning
agents. These could damage the housing.
Clean the appliance only with a damp cloth and
a sof
t brush. For stubborn soiling use a mild
detergent on the cloth/brush.
Store the appliance in a clean, dry place away from
direct sunlight.
Do not dispose of the appliance in your
normal domestic waste. This product is
subject to the provisions of European
Directive 2012/19/EU.
Dispose of the appliance through an approved
disposal centre or at your community waste facility.
Please observe the currently applicable regulations.
Please contact your waste disposal centre should you
be in any doubt.
Battery disposal
Do not dispose of the batteries with house-
hold waste. Every consumer is legally obliged
to dispose of batteries at a collection site of
his community/city district or at a retail store.
This obligation is intended to ensure that batteries
are disposed of in an environmentally responsible
manner. Dispose of batteries only when they are fully
Dispose of all packaging materials in an
environmentally friendly manner.
The warranty provided for this appliance is 3 years
from the date of purchase. This appliance has been
manufactured with care and inspected meticulously
prior to delivery.
Please retain your receipt as proof of purchase. In the
event of a warranty claim, please contact Customer
Service by telephone. This is the only way to guarantee
free return of your goods.
The warranty only covers claims for material and
manufacturing defects, not for tr
ansport damage,
wearing parts or for damage to fragile components
such as switches and batteries.
This appliance is intended solely for private use and
not for commercial purposes. The warranty is deemed
void if this product has been subjected to improper or
inappropriate handling, abuse or modifi cations that
were not carried out by one of our authorised service
Your statutory rights are not restricted in any way by
this warranty. The warranty period is not prolonged
by repairs made under the warranty. This also applies
to replaced and repaired parts.
Damage and defects present at the time of purchase
must be reported immediately after unpacking, or
no later than two days after the date of purchase.
Repairs made after expiry of the warranty period
are chargeable.
Service Great Britain
Tel.: 0871 5000 720 (£ 0.10/Min.)
E-Mail: kompernass@lidl.co.uk
IAN 106197
Hotline availability:
Monday to Friday 08:00 - 20:00 (CET)
44867 BOCHUM
IB_106197_PNL9A1_LB1.indd 2IB_106197_PNL9A1_LB1.indd 2 14.07.14 11:5414.07.14 11:54
675 mm x 180 mm

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