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PHG 3000 A1
Overheating protection
The appliance is fi tted with a temperature regulator controlled overheating protector.
Should the appliance become too hot internally, the heating element switches
itself off automatically. However, the fan continues to run, so that a rapid cooling
can be achieved. Once the appliance has cooled itself down, the heating ele-
ment switches back on automatically.
As a general rule, overheating has a reason! It can mean a risk
of fi re!
Check that the appliance can suffi ciently disburse the heat generated:
Is the appliance covered or is it too close to a wall or other obstacle?
Are the grilles on the front or back clear? Is the ventilator blocked?
If possible, eliminate the problem or contact the Service Hotline
(see Chapter Service).
Even if you cannot fi nd a cause, but the overheating protection triggers
a second time, you must return the appliance to Customer Services for
inspection or repair.
Observe the following safety information to avoid risks and property damage:
Only clean the appliance when it is switched off and cold.
Possible damage to the appliance.
Penetrating moisture can lead to the appliance becoming damaged.
When you are cleaning the appliance ensure that no moisture can get
inside, so as to avoid irreparable damage to it.
Clean the housing exclusively with a soft damp cloth and a mild dishwashing liquid.
Remove dust deposits on the protective screen with a vacuum cleaner.
Disconnect the mains power plug if you do not intend to use the appliance for an
extended period of time.
Store the appliance in a dry environment.
Buch_75914_LB1.indb 33Buch_75914_LB1.indb 33 24.07.12 13:2624.07.12 13:26

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