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PHG 2500 C3
Information for these operating instructions
Congratulations on the purchase of your new appliance.
You have clearly decided in favour of a quality product. These operating instruc-
tions are a part of this product. They contain important information in regard to
safety, use and disposal. Before using the product, familiarise yourself with all of
these operating and safety instructions. Use the product only as described and
only for the specified areas of application. In addition, pass these documents on,
together with the product, to any future owner.
This documentation is copyright protected.
Any copying and/or reproduction, wholly or partially, including reproduction of
the illustrations, also in a modified format is only permitted with written consent
from the manufacturer.
Limited liability
All technical information, data and instructions for the installation, connection
and operation contained in these operating instructions correspond to the latest
available at the time of printing and, to the best of our knowledge, take into
account our previous experience and know-how.
No claims can be derived from the details, illustrations and descriptions in these
The manufacturer assumes no responsibility for damage caused by failure to observe
these instructions, improper use, incompetent repairs, making unauthorised modi-
fications or for using unapproved replacement parts.
Intended use
This appliance is intended only for the heating of indoor living spaces and only
for domestic use. This appliance is not intended for use in areas where special
conditions may apply, such as corrosive or potentially explosive atmospheres
(dust, vapour or gas). Do not use the appliance outdoors. This appliance is not
intended for any other use or for uses beyond those mentioned.
Claims of any kind for damage resulting from unintended use will not be accepted.
The operator alone bears liability.

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