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Do not attempt to make any repairs yourself. This would invalid your warranty. Do not make any changes to
the unit. This would also invalid your warranty. The warranty is not applicable in case of accidents or damages
caused by inappropriate use or disrespect of the warnings contained in this manual. Tronios BV cannot be held
responsible for personal injuries caused by a disrespect of the safety recommendations and warnings. This is
also applicable to all damages in whatever form.
Congratulations to the purchase of our mixer (amplified=171.151).
Please read the manual thoroughly prior to using the unit.
Read the manual prior to using the unit.
Keep the manual so that any other user can read it first.
Keep the packaging so that you can transport the unit in its original packaging in order to avoid damage
For indoor use only.
Prior to the first use, have the unit checked by a qualified person
The unit contains voltage carrying parts. DO NOT open the housing.
When you unplug the unit from the mains always pull the plug, never the lead.
Do not plug/unplug the unit with wet hands.
If the plug and/or lead are damaged, they need to be replaced by a technician.
If the unit is damaged to an extent that internal parts are visible, DO NOT connect the unit to the mains and
DO NOT switch it on. Contact your dealer.
Connect the unit only to an (earthed) 220-240Vac/50Hz mains outlet protected by a 10-16A fuse.
Do not place the unit near heat sources such as radiators, or water such as a swimming pool, wet
basement etc.
During a thunderstorm or if the unit will not be used for a longer period of time, unplug it from the mains.
If the unit has not been used for an extended period of time, condensation may occur inside the unit. Let the
unit reach room temperature first.
Objects may not fall on, and liquids may not be spilled into the unit. Do not expose to rain.
The unit should be installed so that its location or position does not interfere with its proper ventilation. It
should not be situated on a place that may block the ventilation openings, or in a built-in situation that may
impede the air flow.
To avoid accidents in public premises, you need to adhere to the applicable rules and follow the
Keep out of the reach of children.
Do not use cleaning sprays to clean the slider controls. They leave residues that cause dust and smear
deposits inside the controls. In case of malfunction, ask a qualified technician for advice. Don’t use
benzene, thinner or other solvents for cleaning the unit.
Make sure that all channel slider controls and the master volume control are set to the minimum prior to
switching the unit on.
Handle the channel faders with care. Quick variations can damage the speakers as the amplifier might clip.
Avoid clipping of the amplifier. This happens if the clip Led’s, mostly mounted on the front panel of the
amplifier light up. Set the volume to a sufficiently low level.
Make sure that the mains voltage is switched off before you make connections or changes.
Use the appropriate connection leads for the specific signals.
The power-cord should be routed so that it is not likely to be walked on or pinched (esp. near the plug or
exit from the unit).
Always switch on the amplifier at latest and switch it off at first. This prevents damage to your equipment in
case of overdrive.
Excessive force will cause damage to the unit.
Do not place the device on an unstable bracket, stand, table etc. Do not mount on a wall if you are not able
to calculate the forces. Pls follow the instructions of the manufacturer or qualified technicians.
Repairs must always be carried out by an agreed technical service.
Avoid excessive mechanical charges of the parts. If the LED vu-meter is continuously in the red area, the
output signal is too strong. This results in distortion. Lower the master volume to an acceptable level in
order to prevent damage to your equipment further to overdriving.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Power Dynamics 171.144 PDM-S1203

Power Dynamics 171.144 PDM-S1203 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, English - 16 pagina's

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