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This unit conforms with EC-directives 89/336 as amended by 93/68 (EMC) and 73/23 as amen-
ded by 93/68 (low voltage).
Dear Customer,
We would like to thank you for choosing this Polti appliance.
By choosing Lecologico, you have made a healthy choice for your home. Lecologico by Polti is a friend of the
environment and an enemy to dust, pollens, dust mites and their allergens. With its EcoActive-Filter, Lecologi-
co traps dust in water; then the dirty water is simply poured away- so no risk of dispersing the dust into the air
around you. When you’ve finished, you can put your Lecologico away perfectly clean.
With Polti’s Lecologico you can breathe a big sigh of relief. Its 6-stage filtering system with HEPA filter guaran-
tees that the air coming out of the vacuum cleaner is perfectly clean. The EcoActive-Filter also does away
with the need for dusty bags and all the unpleasant handling of them.
With Lecologico you can vacuum up dry dirt, including large objects. Or even vacuum up a limited amount of
liquids, solving the problem of minor household spills.
A complete set of accessories is provided to help you do all cleaning tasks quickly and without fatigue.
We suggest that you read this instruction booklet carefully before using your Lecologico.
What is the EcoActive-Filter?
The EcoActive-Filter is the revolutionary “green” heart of Lecologico, because its effectiveness is based on
the natural purifying force of water.
It is the flow of water contained in the special filter and its bubble that imprison dirt, preventing all contact with
dust, and avoiding dispersal of dust back into the air.
What is the HEPA filter?
Lecologico has a special extra powerful washable HEPA filter, previously used only in professional applica-
tions requiring the utmost hygiene. This filter stops even the finest dust, pollens, dust mites and other micro-
organisms and is easily rinsed clean when dirty.
1. Main switch
2. Cable winder switch
3. Carry handle
4. Container handle
5. Rear wheels
6. “EcoActive-Filter” water container
7. MAX level (fig. 4)
8. Air outlet grid
9. Cover on filter housing (fig. 16)
9a. Lever for opening filter cover (fig. 16)
10. Hepa filter (fig. 18)
10a. Hepa filter retainer (fig. 17)
10b. “Dual filter” assembly (fig. 17)
11. Tool holder housing
12. Casters
13. Power cable plug
14. Indicator lights
15. Connection
16. “Eco Active Filter” water filter
17. Filter cage cover
17a. Filter body with fine mesh
17b. Sponge filter
17c. Filter nozzle
18. On/off and increased suction switch
19. Decreased suction switch
A. Telescopic tube
A1. Telescopic tube release button
B. Joker brush
B1. Hardwood floor tool
C. Universal brush
C1. Brush selector
D. Hose
D1. Suction opening
E. Multipurpose nozzle
F. Lance for cleaning corners/skirting board
G. Soft brush
H. Tool holder
I. Flexo joint
L. Radiator brush
M. Jointed tube
N. Mini turbo brush
O. Turbo brush (optional mod. AS805)
P. Wheel cover for hardwood floors
P1. Joints for anchoring wheel covers in place
W. Float
Y. Flexo joint cursor (Fig. 11)
Z. Brush for cleaning water bucket

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Andere handleiding(en) van Polti as 805 lecologico

Polti as 805 lecologico Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 10 pagina's

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