Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Store the appliance in a cool, dry place, avoi-
ding extreme cold and heat, to protect bat-
tery performance.
To clean the filters, proceed as follows:
- Empty the dust-collector tank as described
in Chapter 4.
- Press the dust-collector tank release button
- Remove the filter unit (17).
- Separate the filter protection mesh from the
filter (18).
- Rinse all the components under running wa-
ter and let them dry naturally away from sour-
ces of heat for at least 24 hours.
- Replace everything repeating the steps de-
scribed previously in reverse order.
The filter should be replaced every 6 months.
The filters are sold at household appliance
stores, at Polti authorized service centres and
at www.polti.com.
To clean the brush, proceed as follows:
- Separate the brush from the vacuum unit by
pressing the release button (4).
- Turn the brush over and lift the cylinder lock
hook (19).
- Remove the bristly cylinder (19).
- Clean the bristly cylinder of the brush (20).
- Reposition everything and close the brush
again by performing the operations described
previously in reverse order.
6.1 Ensure that the appliance is switched off
and not charging.
6.2 Empty the dust-collector tank.
6.3 Replace the appliance in the vertical posi-
WARNING: Check that all the components
of the dust-collector tank are dry before
reassembling them.
WARNING: Check the filters during cleaning. Re-
place the filters when visibly damaged.
WARNING: Do not clean the filter with the
brush as it can be damaged, thereby redu-
cing the filtering capacity. Do not use deter-
gents, do not rub the filter, and do not wash
it in a dishwasher.
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FORZASPIRA SR25.9-18.5 - M0S11282 - 2P11:FEV 1000-950.qxd 24/11/2015 15.05 Pagina 22

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