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L 109
L 108
-p: Predicted maximum heart
rate value.
Interval, Int: Options mode:
indicates Interval Training Set
Recording mode: Indicates interval
exercise session including warm-up,
interval and cool-down phases.
InZone/ Above/ Below: indicate
the time spent within, above and
below the target zone.
KCal: Indicates the energy
expenditure of your exercise.
Lp: Indicates lap time.
LAPS: Indicates how many lap times
have been stored.
Lim High: The higher heart rate
limit of the target zone.
Lim Low: The lower heart rate limit
of the target zone.
Limits1, 2, 3: Heart Rate Limits for
Target Zones 1, 2 and 3.
Limits S: Heart Rate Limits for
Summary Zone.
LRB*: Indicates the left and right
pedaling balance.
MAX: Together with a heart rate
reading indicates the highest heart
MAX %: Together with a heart rate
reading indicates heart rate as a
percentage of your maximum heart
Mem full: Appears on the display
when the memory is full. You can
continue your exercise and taking
lap times but they won’t be
recorded into the file.
Night Mode: Appears when the
display is illuminated in the
Measuring or Recording mode.
Odometer: Measures cumulative
total distance of several exercise
OPTIONS: Indicates the Options
OwnCal: Calculates energy
expenditure during exercise in
kilocalories. 1 kilocalorie (kcal) = 1000
calories (cal). You can follow how
much energy you loose by exercising
in one exercise session or in a day,
week or even a year. The OwnCal can
be used as a dose measure of exercise
e.g. in nutrition planning. OwnCal
calorie calculation starts when your
heart rate reaches 90 bpm or is above
60% of your maximum heart rate,
whichever is smaller. These limits are
set to count only exercise calories.
The higher the heart rate, the faster
the energy expenditure. OwnCal is
individually calibrated by your preset
weight, maximal oxygen uptake
) and maximum heart rate
). The most accurate OwnCal is
received by entering your clinically
measured (in maximal treadmill or
bicycle stress test) VO
and HR
into the wrist unit. Energy
expenditure measurement is most
accurate in continuous activities such
as cycling and running.
OwnINDEX: Result of Polar Fitness
Test and comparable score with
maximal oxygen uptake (VO
) in
PI %, Pedaling index*: Helps you
to analyze how evenly the power is
distributed. The smoother the
pedaling motion, the closer the
figure is to the ideal 100 %.
A pedaling index of 100 % means
that power is applied evenly
throughout the whole pedal
Pwr*: Indicates Power Output
measurement in cycling.
RecoDist, distance-based
recovery: You set the recovery
distance in the Options mode. In the
File mode, you will see the drop in
your heart rate and the recovery
RecoHr, heart-rate-based
recovery: You set the heart rate,
which will end your recovery
calculation. In the File mode you
will see the drop in your heart rate
and the recovery duration.
RecoTime, time-based recovery:
You set the recovery time in the
Options mode. In the File mode you
*Optional Polar Cadence Sensor or
Polar Power Output Sensor required.

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Polar S725 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 114 pagina's

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