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Important Safety Information
This manual explains how to install this navigation system in your vehicle. Operation of this navigation system
is explained in the separate Operation Manual or Hardware Manual for the navigation system. Before operating
this navigation system, be sure to read them.
Do not attempt to install or service your navigation system by yourself. Installation or
servicing of the navigation system by persons without training and experience in elec-
tronic equipment and automotive accessories may be dangerous and could expose you
to the risk of electric shock or other hazards.
1. Read this manual fully and carefully before installing your navigation system.
2. Keep this manual handy for future reference.
3. Pay close attention to all warnings in this manual and follow the instructions carefully.
4. This navigation system may in certain circumstances display erroneous information regarding the
position of your vehicle, the distance of objects shown on the screen, and compass directions. In addi-
tion, the system has certain limitations, including the inability to identify one-way streets, temporary
traffic restrictions and potentially unsafe driving areas. Please exercise your own judgement in the
light of actual driving conditions.
5. As with any accessory in your vehicle’s interior, the navigation system should not divert your atten-
tion from the safe operation of your vehicle. If you experience difficulty in operating the system or
reading the display, please make adjustments while safely parked.
6. Please remember to wear your seat belt at all times while operating your vehicle. If you are ever in an
accident, your injuries can be considerably more severe if your seat belt is not properly fastened.
7. In certain countries, laws may restrict the placement and use of navigation systems in your vehicle.
Please comply with all applicable laws and regulations in the installation and operation of your navi-
gation system.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Pioneer avic-hd3bt

Pioneer avic-hd3bt Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 216 pagina's

Pioneer avic-hd3bt Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 2 pagina's

Pioneer avic-hd3bt Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 220 pagina's

Pioneer avic-hd3bt Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 24 pagina's

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