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In case of trouble
When the unit does not operate properly,
contact your dealer or the nearest autho-
rized PIONEER Service Station.
About This Product
This product is a class D amplifier for the
subwoofer. If both L (left) and R (right)
channels are connected to the RCA input
of this product, output is mixed because
this product is a mono amplifier.
Never replace the fuse with one of greater value
or rating than the original fuse. Use of an
improper fuse could result in overheating and
smoke and could cause damage to the product
and injury including burns.
Use the supplied hexagonal wrench to tighten
screws when fastening wires to the terminal or
when changing the direction of the badge. The
use of a long, commercially available hexagonal
wrench can cause excessive torque to be applied
possibly resulting in damage to terminals and
Always use the recommended battery wire and
ground wire, which is sold separately. Connect
the battery wire directly to the car battery positive
terminal (+) and the ground wire to the car body.
Do not touch the amplifier with wet hands.
Otherwise you may get an electric shock. Also,
do not touch the amplifier when it is wet.
For traffic safety and to maintain safe driving
conditions, keep the volume low enough so that
you can still hear normal traffic sound.
Check the connections of the power supply and
speakers if the fuse of the separately sold battery
wire or the amplifier fuse blows. Detect the cause
and solve the problem, then replace the fuse with
another one of the same size and rating.
To prevent malfunction of the amplifier and
subwoofer, the protective circuit will cut the
power supply to the amplifier (sound will stop)
when an abnormal condition occurs. In such a
case, switch the power to the system OFF and
check the connection of the power supply and
subwoofer. Detect the cause and solve the
Contact the dealer if you cannot detect the cause.
To prevent an electric shock or short-circuit
during connection and installation, be sure to
disconnect the negative (–) terminal of the battery
Confirm that no parts are behind the panel when
drilling a hole for installation of the amplifier. Be
sure to protect all cables and important equipment
such as fuel lines, brake lines and the electrical
wiring from damage.
DO NOT allow amplifier to come into contact
with liquids due to, for example, the location
where the amplifier is installed. Electrical shock
could result. Also, amplifier and speaker damage,
smoke, and overheating could result from contact
with liquids. In addition, the amplifier surface
and the surface of any attached speakers could
become hot to the touch and minor burns could

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