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Safety Information
3Safety Information
CAUTION concerning the Power Cord
Most appliances recommend they be placed upon a
dedicated circuit;
That is, a single outlet circuit which powers only
that appliance and has no additional outlets or
branch circuits. Check the speci cation page of this
owners manual to be certain. Do not overload wall
outlets. Overloaded wall outlets, loose or damaged
wall outlets, extension cords, frayed power cords, or
damaged or cracked wire insulation are dangerous.
Any of these conditions could result in electric
shock or  re. Periodically examine the cord of your
appliance, and if its appearance indicates damage
or deterioration, unplug it, discontinue use of the
appliance, and have the cord replaced with an exact
replacement part by an authorized service center.
Protect the power cord from physical or mechanical
abuse, such as being twisted, kinked, pinched, closed
in a door, or walked upon. Pay particular attention
to plugs, wall outlets, and the point where the cord
exits the appliance. To disconnect power from the
mains, pull out the mains cord plug. When installing
the product, ensure that the plug is easily accessible.
WARNING: To prevent a  re hazard, do not place any
naked  ame sources (such as a lighted candle) on
the equipment.
This device is equipped with a portable battery or
Safety way to remove the battery or the battery
from the equipment: Remove the old battery
or battery pack, follow the steps in reverse order
than the assembly. To prevent contamination of
the environment and bring on possible threat
to human and animal health, the old battery or
the battery put it in the appropriate container at
designated collection points. Do not dispose of
batteries or battery together with other waste.
It is recommended that you use local, free
reimbursement systems batteries and accumulators.
The battery shall not be exposed to excessive heat
such as sunshine,  re or the like.
CAUTION: The apparatus shall not be exposed to
water (dripping or splashing) and no objects  lled
with liquids, such as vases, shall be placed on the
When disposing of used batteries, please comply
with governmental regulations or environmental
public instruction’s rules that apply in your
country or area.
Notes on Copyrights
Because AACS (Advanced Access Content System)
is approved as content protection system for BD
format, similar to use of CSS (Content Scramble
System) for DVD format, certain restrictions are
imposed on playback, analogue signal output,
etc., of AACS protected contents. The operation of
this product and restrictions on this product may
vary depending on your time of purchase as those
restrictions may be adopted and/or changed by
AACS after the production of this product.
Furthermore, BD-ROM Mark and BD+ are
additionally used as content protection systems
for BD format, which imposes certain restrictions
including playback restrictions for BD-ROM
Mark and/or BD+ protected contents. To obtain
additional information on AACS, BD-ROM Mark,
BD+, or this product, please contact an authorized
Customer Service Center.
Many BD-ROM/DVD discs are encoded with
copy protection. Because of this, you should only
connect your player directly to your TV, not to a
VCR. Connecting to a VCR results in a distorted
picture from copy-protected discs.
This product incorporates copyright protection
technology that is protected by U.S. patents
and other intellectual property rights. Use of
this copyright protection technology must be
authorized by Rovi Corporation, and is intended
for home and other limited viewing uses only
unless otherwise authorized by Rovi Corporation.
Reverse engineering or disassembly is prohibited.
Under the U.S. Copyright laws and Copyright
laws of other countries, unauthorized recording,
use, display, distribution, or revision of television
programmes, videotapes, BD-ROM discs, DVDs,
CDs and other materials may subject you to civil
and/or criminal liability.
HB985-FB.BUSAPPK_Eng.indd 3HB985-FB.BUSAPPK_Eng.indd 3 2010-05-14  10:47:442010-05-14  10:47:44

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