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If you want to dispose this product, do not mix
it with general household waste. There is a se-
parate collection system for used electronic
products in accordance with legislation that re-
quires proper treatment, recovery and recy-
Private households in the member states of
the EU, in Switzerland and Norway may return
their used electronic products free of charge
to designated collection facilities or to a retai-
ler (if you purchase a similar new one).
For countries not mentioned above, please
contact your local authorities for the correct
method of disposal.
By doing so you will ensure that your disposed
product undergoes the necessary treatment,
recovery and recycling and thus prevent po-
tential negative effects on the environment
and human health.
In case of trouble
Should this product fail to operate properly,
please contact your dealer or nearest author-
ized Pioneer Service Station.
About This Product
This product is a mono amplifier for subwoofer. If
both L (left) and R (right) channels are connected
to the RCA input of this product, output is mixed
because this product is a mono amplifier.
Before connecting/
installing the amplifier
! The use of a special red battery and ground
wire RD-223, available separately, is recom-
mended. Connect the battery wire directly to
the car battery positive terminal + and the
ground wire to the car body.
! This unit is for vehicles with a 12 V battery and
negative grounding. Before installing in re-
creational vehicles, trucks or buses, check the
battery voltage.
! The black cable is ground. When installing
this unit, make sure to connect the ground
wire first. Ensure that the ground wire is prop-
erly connected to metal parts of the cars
body. The ground wire of the one of this unit
must be connected to the car separately with
different screws. If the screw for the ground
wire loosens or falls out, it could result in fire,
generation of smoke or malfunction.
! Use a fuse of the rating prescribed.
! Check the connections of the power supply
and speakers if the fuse of the separately sold
battery wire or the amplifier fuse blows. Deter-
mine and resolve the cause, then replace the
fuse with identical equivalent.
! Always install the amplifier on a flat surface.
Do not install the amplifier on a surface that
is not flat or on a surface with a protrusion.
Doing so could result in malfunction.
! When installing the amplifier, do not allow
parts such as extra screws to get caught be-
tween the amplifier and the automobile.
Doing so could cause malfunction.
! Do not allow this unit to come into contact
with liquids. Electrical shock could result.
Also, damage to this unit, smoke, and over-
heating could result from contact with liquids.
The surfaces of the amplifier and any attached
speakers may also heat up and cause minor
Before you start

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