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Check all connections and systems before final
Do not use unauthorized parts. The use of
unauthorized parts may cause malfunctions.
Consult with your dealer if installation requires
drilling of holes or other modifications of the
Do not install this unit where:
it may interfere with operation of the vehicle.
it may cause injury to a passenger as a result
of a sudden stop.
The semiconductor laser will be damaged if it
overheats. Install this unit away from hot places
such as near the heater outlet.
Optimum performance is obtained when the unit
is installed at an angle of less than 60°.
DIN Front/Rear-mount
This unit can be properly installed either from
“Front” (conventional DIN Front-mount) or
“Rear” (DIN Rear-mount installation, utilizing
threaded screw holes at the sides of unit chassis).
For details, refer to the following installation
DIN Front-mount
Installation with the rubber bush
1. Insert the mounting sleeve into the dashboard.
When installing in a shallow space, use a sup-
plied mounting sleeve. If there is enough
space behind the unit, use factory supplied
mounting sleeve.
2. Secure the mounting sleeve by using a screwdriv-
er to bend the metal tabs (90°) into place.
3. Install the unit as illustrated.
Removing the Unit
1. Extend top and bottom of the trim ring outwards
to remove the trim ring. (When reattaching the
trim ring, point the side with a groove down-
wards and attach it.)
It becomes easy to remove the trim ring if the
front panel is released.
2. Insert the supplied extraction keys into both sides
of the unit until they click into place.
3. Pull the unit out of the dashboard.
Installation ENGLISH
<KSNNX> <06H00000>
Printed in Thailand
Imprimé en Thaïlande
<CRD4131-A/N> EW
This product conforms to new cord colors.
Los colores de los cables de este producto se confor-
man con un nuevo código de colores.
Dieses Produkt entspricht den neuen Kabelfarben.
Le code de couleur des câbles utilisé pour ce produit
est nouveau.
Questo prodotto è conforme ai nuovi codici colori.
De kleuren van de snoeren van dit toestel zijn gewijzigd.
Ú·ӂ‡ÌËflÏ Í ˆ‚ÂÚÛ ÔÓ‚Ó‰Ó‚.
Trim ring
DIN Rear-mount
1. Extend top and bottom of the trim ring outwards
to remove the trim ring. (When reattaching the
trim ring, point the side with a groove down-
wards and attach it.)
It becomes easy to remove the trim ring if the
front panel is released.
2. Determine the appropriate position where the
holes on the bracket and the side of the unit
3. Tighten two screws on each side.
Use either truss screws (5 mm ×8 mm) or
flush surface screws (5 mm ×9 mm), depend-
ing on the shape of screw holes in the
Fastening the front panel
If you do not plan to detach the front panel, the
front panel can be fastened with supplied screw.
Trim ring
Dashboard or Console
Factory radio mounting bracket
Rubber bush
Dashboard Mounting sleeve

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Andere handleiding(en) van Pioneer DEH-3900MP

Pioneer DEH-3900MP Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 87 pagina's

Pioneer DEH-3900MP Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 85 pagina's

Pioneer DEH-3900MP Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch, English - 60 pagina's

Pioneer DEH-3900MP Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français, Italiano - 87 pagina's

Pioneer DEH-3900MP Gebruiksaanwijzing - Espanôl - 60 pagina's

Pioneer DEH-3900MP Gebruiksaanwijzing - Dansk, Svenska, Norsk, Suomi - 70 pagina's

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