Pagina terug
Pagina verder
1 This product
2 Antenna jack
3 Fuse (10 A)
4 Note:
Depending on the kind of vehicle, the function
of 3* and 5* may be different. In this case, be
sure to connect 2* to 5* and 4* to 3*.
5 Connect leads of the same
color to each other.
6 Cap (1*)
Do not remove cap if this
terminal is not in use.
7 Yellow (3*)
(or accessory)
8 Yellow (2*)
Connect to the constant 12 V supply
9 Red (5*)
(or back-up)
10 Red (4*)
Connect to terminal controlled by
ignition switch (12 V DC).
11 Black (chassis ground)
Connect to a clean, paint-free metal location.
12 ISO connector
In some vehicles, the ISO connector may be
divided into two. In this case, be sure to
connect to both connectors.
13 Speaker leads
White: Front left
White/black: Front left
Gray: Front right
Gray/black: Front right
Green: Rear left
Green/black: Rear left
Violet: Rear right
Violet/black: Rear right
19 Rear output
<QRD3015-A> 17
Fig. 1
Abb. 1
Afb. 1
Рис. 1
16 Blue/white
Connect to system control terminal of the
power amp (max. 300 mA 12 V DC).
17 Blue/white (7*)
Connect to auto-antenna relay control
terminal (max. 300 mA 12 V DC).
18 Blue/white (6*)
The pin position of the ISO connector will
differ depends on the type of vehicle.
Connect 6* and 7* when Pin 5 is an
antenna control type. In another type of
vehicle, never connect 6* and 7*.
14 Wired remote input
Hard-wired remote control adaptor
can be connected (sold separately).
15 Yellow/black
If you use an equipment with Mute function,
wire this lead to the Audio Mute lead on that
equipment. If not, keep the Audio Mute lead
free of any connections.
20 This diaglam is for DEH-1120MP/DEH-1100MPB/DEH-1100MP.
22 Connect with RCA cables
(sold separately)
23 Power amp
(sold separately)
24 System remote control
26 Right25 Left
27 Rear speaker 27 Rear speaker
28 Perform these connections when using
the optional amplifier.
21 To Rear output
<QRD3015-A> 18
! When this unit is installed in a vehicle without
ACC (accessory) position on the ignition
switch, red cable must be wired to the term-
inal that can detect the operation of the igni-
tion key. Otherwise, battery drain may result.
ACC position No ACC position
! Use of this unit in conditions other than the
following could result in fire or malfunction.
Vehicles with a 12-volt battery and negative
Speakers with 50 W (output value) and 4
ohm to 8 ohm (impedance value).
! To prevent a short-circuit, overheating or mal-
function, be sure to follow the directions
Disconnect the negative terminal of the
battery before installation.
Secure the wiring with cable clamps or ad-
hesive tape. To protect the wiring, wrap ad-
hesive tape around them where they lie
against metal parts.
Place all cables away from moving parts,
such as gear shift and seat rails.
Place all cables away from hot places,
such as near the heater outlet.
Do not pass the yellow cable through a
hole into the engine compartment to con-
nect to a battery.
Cover any disconnected cable connectors
with insulating tape.
Do not shorten any cables.
Never cut the insulation of the power cable
of this unit in order to share the power
with other devices. Current capacity of the
cable is limited.
Use a fuse of the rating prescribed.
Never wire the speaker negative cable di-
rectly to ground.
Never band together multiple speakers ne-
gative cables.
! Control signal is output through blue/white
cable when this unit is powered on. Connect it
to an external power amps system remote
control or the vehicles auto-antenna relay
control terminal (max. 300 mA 12 V DC). If the
vehicle is equipped with a glass antenna, con-
nect it to the antenna booster power supply
! Never connect blue/white cable to external
power amps power terminal. Also, never con-
nect it to the power terminal of the auto anten-
na. Otherwise, battery drain or malfunction
may result.
! Black cable is ground. This cable and other
products ground cable (especially, high-cur-
rent products such as power amp) must be
wired separately. Otherwise, fire or malfunc-
tion may result if they are accidentally de-
Connection Diagram (Fig. 1)
1 This product
2 Antenna jack
3 Fuse (10 A)
4 Note:
Depending on the kind of vehicle, the function
of 3* and 5* may be different. In this case, be
sure to connect 2* to 5* and 4* to 3*.
5 Connect leads of the same color to each
6 Cap (1*)
Do not remove cap if this terminal is not in
7 Yellow (3*)
Back-up (or accessory)
8 Yellow (2*)
Connect to the constant 12 V supply terminal.
9 Red (5*)
Accessory (or back-up)
<QRD3015-A> 19
10 Red (4*)
Connect to terminal controlled by ignition
switch (12 V DC).
11 Black (chassis ground)
Connect to a clean, paint-free metal location.
12 ISO connector
In some vehicles, the ISO connector may be
divided into two. In this case, be sure to con-
nect to both connectors.
13 Speaker leads
White: Front left +
White/black: Front left *
Gray: Front right +
Gray/black: Front right *
Green: Rear left +
Green/black: Rear left *
Violet: Rear right +
Violet/black: Rear right *
14 Wired remote input
Hard-wired remote control adaptor can be
connected (sold separately).
15 Yellow/black
If you use an equipment with Mute function,
wire this lead to the Audio Mute lead on that
equipment. If not, keep the Audio Mute lead
free of any connections.
16 Blue/white
Connect to system control terminal of the
power amp (max. 300 mA 12 V DC).
17 Blue/white (7*)
Connect to auto-antenna relay control term-
inal (max. 300 mA 12 V DC).
18 Blue/white (6*)
The pin position of the ISO connector will dif-
fer depends on the type of vehicle. Connect 6*
and 7* when Pin 5 is an antenna control type.
In another type of vehicle, never connect 6*
and 7*.
19 Rear output (DEH-1120MP/DEH-1100MPB/
20 This diagram is for DEH-1120MP/DEH-
21 To Rear output
22 Connect with RCA cables (sold separately)
23 Power amp (sold separately)
24 System remote control
25 Left
26 Right
27 Rear speaker
28 Perform these connections when using the
optional amplifier.
<QRD3015-A> 20

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