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This guide is intended to guide you through the basic functions of
this navigation system. For details, please refer to the Operation
Manual provided with the product.
Basic hardware buttons
1 h button
2 VOL (+/–) button
Press to adjust the AV
(Audio and Video) source
3 MAP button
Press to display the Map
4 HOME button
Press to display the Top
menu screen.
5 MODE button
Press to switch between the
Application screen and the
AV operation screen.
6 TRK button
7 button
Press to remove the
detachable faceplate from
this product.
Quick Start Guide
< KMZZ14B >
< CRD4775-A > EU
All rights reserved.
CRD4775A.indd 1 2014/02/06 10:47:25
Switching screens using the touch panel keys
Switching screens using the hardware buttons
CRD4775A.indd 2 2014/02/06 10:47:29
How to use the navigation menu screens
You can use various functions such as the route guidance and
related settings.
You can see some of menu options when you are navigating
without a planned route.
1 Returns to the Map screen.
2 Searches for your
destination by entering an
address, its coordinate, or
selecting a place of interest,
3 Builds your route using the
list of destinations.
4 Displays useful information
to support your driving.
5 Configures the programme
6 Sees notifications that
contain important
information for the users.
Displays the “Driver Profiles
screen where you can create
new profiles or edit the
existing profiles.
8 Mutes the sound of the
navigation system (the voice
guidance, or beep sounds,
for example).
9 Switches among 2D, 3D, or
2D North up view modes.
a Displays the location where
you saved as a favourite.
b Displays the information
of your navigation system
(the version information, or
licences, for example).
CRD4775A.indd 3 2014/02/06 10:47:30
Searching for a location by address
1 Press the MAP button.
The Map screen appears.
2 Touch to display the
navigation menu on the
Map screen.
3 Touch [New Route].
4 Touch [Address].
The “Find Address” screen
5 Touch [Country], and
select the country.
6 Touch [Town], and select
the city/town.
7 Touch [Street], and select
the street.
8 Touch [House Number /
Intersection], and select
the house number or the
crossing street.
After you touch the
selected address to finish
the address search, the
searched location appears
on the Map screen.
9 Touch [Select as
After a short summary of
the route parameters, a
map appears showing the
entire route. The route is
automatically calculated.
10 Touch [Start Navigation].
Your navigation system
starts the route guidance.
CRD4775A.indd 4 2014/02/06 10:47:33

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Andere handleiding(en) van Pioneer AVIC-F960BT

Pioneer AVIC-F960BT Snelstart handleiding - Nederlands - 4 pagina's

Pioneer AVIC-F960BT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 232 pagina's

Pioneer AVIC-F960BT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 244 pagina's

Pioneer AVIC-F960BT Snelstart handleiding - Deutsch - 4 pagina's

Pioneer AVIC-F960BT Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 216 pagina's

Pioneer AVIC-F960BT Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 240 pagina's

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