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Black plate (3,1)
Thank you for buying this Pioneer product.
Please read through these instructions so you will know how to operate your model
properly. After you have finished reading the instructions, keep this document in a
safe place for future reference.
! The screens shown in the examples may
differ from actual screens, which may be
changed without notice for performance
and function improvements.
! The screen examples shown in this manual
are the ones for AVIC-F160-2. If you use a
different model, the screens that appear
may differ from the examples in the man-
Licence agreement 7
PIONEER AVIC-F160-2, AVIC-F260-2 7
About the data for the map database 11
Important safety information 11
Fuel cost management 13
Traffic information 13
Speed limit indication 13
Lorr y navigation 13
Additional safety information 13
To avoid battery exhaustion 13
Handling the SD card slot 13
Notes before using the system 14
In case of trouble 14
Visit our website 14
About this product 14
Checking part names and functions 14
Inserting an SD memor y card 15
Resetting the microprocessor 15
Before you start
On first-time startup 16
Regular startup 17
How to use the navigation menu screens
Screen switching overview 18
What you can do on each menu 19
Operating list screens (e.g. route settings
screen) 19
Operating the on-screen keyboard 19
Monitoring the GPS reception quality 20
How to use the map
How to read the map screen 21
Frequently shown route events 22
Seeing the current position on the map 22
Checking the detailed information
about the current position 23
Browsing the data field 24
Display during motorway driving 24
Operating the map screen 25
Changing the scale of the map 25
Smart Zoom 25
Changing the view angle of the
map 25
Switching the map between 2D and
3D 26
Scrolling the map to the position you
want to see 26
Viewing information about a specified
location 26
Searching for and selecting a location
Searching for a location by address 27
Searching for a location by entering the
midpoint of a street 28
Searching for a location by entering the city/
town centre 28
Finding the location by specifying the
postcode 28
Searching for Points of Interest (POI) 29
Searching for POIs using Quick
Search 29

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Andere handleiding(en) van Pioneer AVIC-F260-2

Pioneer AVIC-F260-2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 84 pagina's

Pioneer AVIC-F260-2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 84 pagina's

Pioneer AVIC-F260-2 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 84 pagina's

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