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Thank you for buying this Pioneer product.
Please read through these instructions so you
will know how to operate your model properly.
After you have finished reading the instruc-
tions, keep this document in a safe place for
future reference.
The screens shown in the examples may
differ from actual screens, which may be
changed without notice for performance and
function improvements.
Precaution ..........................4
Important safety information ............................4
To ensure safe driving
When using a display connected to V OUT
To avoid battery exhaustion
Rear view camera
Handling the USB connector
In case of trouble..............................................5
Visit our website
About this product
Protecting the LCD panel and screen...............5
Notes on internal memory
About this manual
Basic operation ..................6
Checking part names and functions .................6
Remote control
Notes on using the LCD panel
Adjusting the LCD panel angle
Inserting/ejecting/connecting media.................6
On rst-time startup
How to use the screens
Supported AV source
Displaying the AV operation screen
Selecting a source
Changing the display order of sources
Using the touch panel
Registration and
connection of Bluetooth
device ...............................10
Displaying the “Bluetooth” screen ...................10
Registering your Bluetooth devices
Connecting a registered Bluetooth device
Switching visibility
Entering the PIN code for Bluetooth wireless
Displaying the device information
Clearing the Bluetooth memory......................11
Updating Bluetooth software
Displaying the Bluetooth software version
Switching the connected Bluetooth device
Hands-free phoning .........12
Displaying the Phone menu screen ................12
Making a phone call
Receiving a phone call
Minimising the dial conrmation screen
Changing the phone settings
Using the voice recognition function (for
Setting phone book auto synchronisation
Notes for hands-free phoning
Setup for iPod / iPhone or
smartphone ......................14
The basic ow of iPod / iPhone or smartphone
Setting the device connection method............14
iPod compatibility
device compatibility.........................14
Information on the connections and functions
for each device
Digital Radio ....................16
Digital Radio tuner operations ........................16
Starting procedure
Listening to a recent broadcast (time shift)
Selecting a Service Component
Updating service list information manually
Displaying the “DAB settings” screen
Radio ................................17
Starting procedure .........................................18
Storing the strongest broadcast
Displaying the “Radio settings” screen
Tuning into strong frequencies
Setting the FM tuning step
Switching the sound quality of the FM
Setting the alternative frequency search
Setting the Auto PI search
Limiting stations to regional programming
Receiving trafc announcements (TA)
Receiving trafc announcements (TA)
Receiving news announcements....................19
Disc ...................................19
Starting procedure .........................................20
Selecting les from the le name list
Switching the media le type
Searching for the part you want to play
Operating the DVD menu
Switching the subtitle/audio language
Operating the DVD menu using touch panel
Compressedles .............21
Starting procedure (for Disc) ..........................23
Starting procedure (for USB)
Operations common to all le types
Audio le operations.......................................24
Still image le operations
iPod ..................................25
Connecting your iPod .....................................25
Starting procedure
Selecting song or video sources from the
playlist screen
Using this product’s iPod function from your
Selecting a song from the list related to the
song currently playing (link search)
AppRadioMode ................26
Using AppRadioMode ....................................26
Using the audio mix function
Pandora operations ........................................28
Starting procedure
Selecting a Pandora station from the list
Adding a station
Storing the preset stations
Using Spotify with your Pioneer car audio/
Starting procedure
Selecting a track or station from the list
Bluetooth audio player ....31
Starting procedure .........................................32
Selecting les from the le name list
AUX source ......................32
Starting procedure .........................................32
Setting the video signal
AV input ............................33
Starting procedure (for AV source) .................33
Starting procedure (for camera)
Setting the video signal
MIXTRAX ..........................34
MIXTRAX operation .......................................34
MIXTRAX EZ operation..................................34
Displaying the “MIXTRAX Settings” screen
Setting the ash pattern
System settings ...............35
Displaying the “System” setting screen ..........35
Setting Bluetooth audio source activation
Setting Spotify source activation
Setting the ever scroll
Setting the beep tone
Setting the auto audio mix function
Setting AppRadioMode Sound
Setting the rear view camera
Setting the safe mode
Setting the demo mode
Selecting the system language
Selecting the using location
Setting the keyboard language with the
application for iPhone................................36
Adjusting the response positions of the touch
panel (touch panel calibration)
Setting the dimmer
Adjusting the picture
Displaying the rmware version
Displaying the open source licences
Updating rmware
Audio adjustments ..........38
Displaying the “Audio” setting screen .............38
Using fader/balance adjustment
Switching sound muting/attenuation
Adjusting source levels
< CRB4721-B >

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Andere handleiding(en) van Pioneer AVH-X3800DAB

Pioneer AVH-X3800DAB Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 48 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-X3800DAB Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 62 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-X3800DAB Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 48 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-X3800DAB Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 63 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-X3800DAB Installatiehandleiding - English, Français - 48 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-X3800DAB Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 61 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-X3800DAB Installatiehandleiding - Italiano, Espanõl - 48 pagina's

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