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Pagina verder
Connecting the Units ................................ 1
Connecting the system ...................................... 3
Connecting the power cord (1) .......................... 4
Connecting the power cord (2) .......................... 5
When connecting to separately sold power
amp ............................................................ 7
When connecting with a rear view camera ...... 9
When connecting the external video
component and the display ...................... 11
Attaching the noise filters .............................. 12
Installation ................................................ 13
Installing the hide-away unit .......................... 13
DIN Front/Rear-mount .................................... 14
DIN Front-mount ............................................ 14
DIN Rear-mount .............................................. 15
Fixing the front panel ...................................... 16
Installing the remote control unit .................... 16
To avoid the risk of accident and the
potential violation of applicable laws,
the front DVD or TV (sold separately)
feature should never be used while the
vehicle is being driven. Also, Rear
Displays should not be in a location
where it is a visible distraction to the
In some countries or states the viewing
of images on a display inside a vehicle
even by persons other than the driver
may be illegal. Where such regulations
apply, they must be obeyed and this
unit’s DVD features should not be used.
PIONEER does not recommend that
you install or service your display your-
self. Installing or servicing the product
may expose you to risk of electric shock
or other hazards. Refer all installation
and servicing of your display to autho-
rized Pioneer service personnel.
Secure all wiring with cable clamps or
electrical tape. Do not allow any bare
wiring to remain exposed.
Do not drill a hole into the engine com-
partment to connect the yellow lead of
the unit to the vehicle battery. Engine
vibration may eventually cause the insu-
lation to fail at the point where the wire
passes from the passenger compartment
into the engine compartment. Take
extra care in securing the wire at this
It is extremely dangerous to allow the
display lead to become wound around
the steering column or gearshift. Be sure
to install the display in such a way that
it will not obstruct driving.
Make sure that wires will not interfere
with moving parts of the vehicle, such as
the gearshift, parking brake or seat slid-
ing mechanism.
Do not shorten any leads. If you do, the
protection circuit may fail to work
Do not install the display where it
may (i) obstruct the driver’s vision,
(ii) impair the performance of any of
the vehicle’s operating systems or
safety features, including air bags,
hazard lamp buttons or (iii) impair
the driver’s ability to safely operate
the vehicle.
Connecting the Units

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Andere handleiding(en) van Pioneer AVH-P7500DVDII

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVDII Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 126 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVDII Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 119 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVDII Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 128 pagina's

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