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Pagina verder
If you do not operate the function within about 30
seconds, the display is automatically returned to
the playback display.
Operating the menu by using the
You can also perform most of the menu items
by using the joystick.
! Switch the remote control operation mode
to AVH to operate the menu by using the
joystick on the remote control. (Refer to
page 16.)
1 Click the joystick during display of each
source to display MENU.
MENU appears on the display.
2 Move the joystick up or down and then
click it to display the function names you
want to operate.
# To go to the next group of function names,
move the joystick to NEXT and click it.
# To return to the previous group of function
names, move the joystick to PREV and click it.
3 Press BAND/ESC to return to the display
of each source.
# You can return to the previous display by
pressing BACK/TEXT.
Opening and closing the
LCD panel
The LCD panel will be opened or closed auto-
matically with the turning of the ignition
switch on or off. You can turn off the automatic
close/open function. (Refer to page 97.)
! The automatic close/open function will op-
erate the display as follows.
When the ignition switch is turned OFF
while the LCD panel is opened, the LCD
panel will close after six seconds.
When the ignition switch is turned ON
again (or turned to ACC), the LCD panel
will be opened automatically.
Removing or attaching the front panel
will automatically close or open the LCD
panel. (Refer to page 25.)
! When the ignition switch is turned OFF
after the LCD panel has been closed, turn-
ing the ignition switch ON again (or turning
it to ACC) will not open the LCD panel. In
this case, press OPEN/CLOSE to open the
LCD panel.
! When closing the LCD panel, check to
make sure that it has closed completely. If
the LCD panel has stopped halfway, leaving
it like this could result in damage.
% Press OPEN/CLOSE to open the LCD
# To close the LCD panel, press OPEN/CLOSE
Adjusting the LCD panel angle
! If you can hear the LCD panel knocking
against your vehicles console or dashboard,
press ANGLE () to move the LCD panel a lit-
tle forward.
! When adjusting the LCD panel angle, be sure
to press ANGLE (+/). Forcibly adjusting the
LCD panel by hand may damage it.
% Press ANGLE (+/) to adjust the LCD
panel to an easily viewable angle.
The LCD panel angle continues changing as
long as you press ANGLE (+/) and hold.
Basic Operations

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Andere handleiding(en) van Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 100 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 124 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 100 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 132 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Installatiehandleiding - English, Français - 100 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 128 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-P7500DVD Installatiehandleiding - Italiano, Espanõl - 100 pagina's

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