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•Before finally installing the unit, connect the
wiring temporarily, making sure it is all connected
up properly, and the unit and the system work
•Use only the parts included with the unit to ensure
proper installation. The use of unauthorized parts
can cause malfunctions.
Consult with your nearest dealer if installation
requires the drilling of holes or other modifications
of the vehicle.
Install the unit where it does not get in the driver’s
way and cannot injure the passenger if there is a
sudden stop, like an emergency stop.
•Do not install the display where it may (i) obstruct
the driver's vision, (ii) impair the performance of
any of the vehicle's operating systems or safety
features, including air bags, hazard lamp buttons or
(iii) impair the driver's ability to safely operate the
The semiconductor laser will be damaged if it
overheats, so don’t install the unit anywhere hot
— for instance, near a heater outlet.
If installation angle exceeds 30° from horizontal,
the unit might not give its optimum performance.
(Fig. 9)
Fig. 9
The cords must not cover up the area shown in the
figure below. This is necessary to allow the ampli-
fires to radiate freely. (Fig. 10)
Fig. 10
Installing the remote control unit
When not using the remote control unit,
secure it with velcro tape to prevent it
from moving.
Thoroughly wipe off the surface
before affixing the velcro tape.
Velcro tape (small)
Velcro tape (small)
Remote control uni
Leave this space.
Installation <ENGLISH>
When connecting the external video component and the display
Fig. 8
It is necessary to set AV INPUT to VIDEO on the SETUP menu when connecting to
external video component.
It is necessary to set AV INPUT to EXT-V on the SETUP menu when connecting to
DVD player.
When using a display connected to video output
This product’s video output is for connection of a display to enable passengers in the rear
seats to watch the DVD or Video CD.
NEVER install the display in a location that enables the Driver to watch the DVD or Video CD
while Driving.
To audio outputs
RCA cables (sold separately)
To video output
Audio 1 input
Video 1 input (VIDEO 1 INPUT)
Video output
RCA cable
(sold separatel
To video input
This product
External video
(sold separately)
External video
(sold separately)
Display with
RCA input jacks
To audio outputs
To video output
Audio 2 input
Video 2 input
RCA cables (sold separately)
20 cm
28 cm
15 cm
Installation using the screw holes on the side of this unit
1. Remove the frame.
2. Fastening this unit to the factory radio mounting bracket.
Position this unit so that the brackets screw holes and its screw holes are aligned (are fitted),
and tighten the screws at 3 or 4 locations on each side. Use either the binding screws (5 mm
× 6 mm) or flush surface screws (5 mm × 6 mm), depending on the shape of the bracket’s
screw holes.
Fig. 12
Fig. 13
Factory radio mounting bracket
Binding screw or
flush surface screw
Be sure to use the
screws supplied
with this product.
Dashboard or console
If the pawl gets in the
way, bend it down
In some types of automobiles, descrepancy may occur between the main unit and the dashboard. If
this happens, use the supplied panel to fill the gap.
•To some types of automobiles, ths unit cannot be properly installed. In such case, use the installa-
tion kit ADT-VA133 (sold separately).

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Andere handleiding(en) van Pioneer AVH-P6000DVD

Pioneer AVH-P6000DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 120 pagina's

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