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Linear PCM (LPCM)/Pulse code
This stands for linear pulse code modulation,
which is the signal recording system used for
music CDs and DVDs. Generally, DVDs are re-
corded with higher sampling frequency and
bit rate than CDs. Therefore, DVDs can provide
higher sound quality.
Playlists created using the WINAMP soft-
ware have a playlist file extension (.m3u).
MP3 is short for MPEG Audio Layer 3. It is an
audio compression standard set by a working
group (MPEG) of the ISO (International Stan-
dards Organization). MP3 is able to compress
audio data to about 1/10th the level of a con-
ventional disc.
This stands for Moving Pictures Experts
Group, and is an international video image
compression standard. Some DVDs feature di-
gital audio compressed and recorded using
this system.
With regular TV programs, although multiple
cameras are used to simultaneously shoot
scenes, only images from one camera at a
time are transmitted to your TV. Some DVDs
feature scenes shot from multiple angles, let-
ting you choose your viewing angle as desired.
Multi-audio (Multilingual dialog)
Some DVDs feature dialog recorded in multi-
ple languages. Dialog in up to 8 languages
can be recorded on a single disc, letting you
choose as desired.
Multi-session is a recording method that al-
lows additional data to be recorded later.
When recording data on a CD-ROM, CD-R or
CD-RW, etc., all data from beginning to end is
treated as a single unit or session. Multi-ses-
sion is a method of recording more than 2 ses-
sions on one disc.
Subtitles in up to 32 languages can be re-
corded on a single DVD, letting you choose as
Optical digital output/input
By transmitting and receiving audio signals in
a digital signal format, the chance of sonic
quality deteriorating in the course of transmis-
sion is minimized. An optical digital output/
input is designed to transmit and receive digi-
tal signals optically.
Packet write
This is a general term for a method of writing
on CD-R, etc., at the time required for a file,
just as is done with files on floppy or hard
Parental lock
Some DVD video discs with violent or adult-or-
iented scenes feature parental lock which pre-
vents children from viewing such scenes. With
this kind of disc, if you set the units parental
lock level, playback of scenes inappropriate for
children will be disabled, or these scenes will
be skipped.
Playback control (PBC)
This is a playback control signal recorded on
Video CDs (Version 2.0). Using menu displays
provided by Video CDs with PBC lets you enjoy
playback of simple interactive software and
software with search functions. You can also
enjoy viewing high- and standard-resolution
still images.
Additional Information

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Pioneer AVH-P6000DVD Installatiehandleiding - English - 8 pagina's

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