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When rear view camera is
connected to AV input 2
Pioneer recommends the use of a camera
which outputs mirror reversed images, other-
wise screen image may appear reversed.
You can install a rear view camera onto the AV
input 2 and display a rear view camera video.
When the gear shift is in REVERSE (R) posi-
tion, the video automatically switches to a rear
view camera video. (For more details, consult
your dealer.)
! After you set up the rear view camera set-
ting, move the gear shift in REVERSE (R)
and confirm if a rear view camera video
can be shown on the display.
! If the display should be switched to a rear
view camera video by error while you are
driving forward, change the rear view cam-
era setting.
! To end watching a rear view camera video
and return to the source display, press
1 Touch AV INPUT 2 on the setup menu.
2 Touch c or d on the AV INPUT 2 setting
to select B. CAMERA.
3 Touch c or d on the POLARITY setting
to select an appropriate setting for polar-
Each time you touch c or d it switches be-
tween the following polarity:
! BATTERY When the polarity of the con-
nected lead is positive while the gear shift
is in REVERSE (R) position
! GND When the polarity of the connected
lead is negative while the gear shift is in
REVERSE (R) position
Setting the clock
Use these instructions to set the clock.
1 Touch CLOCK ADJ on the setup menu.
2 Touch OFF to turn the clock display on.
ON will appear in the display instead of OFF.
Clock display is now on.
# To turn the clock display off, touch ON.
3 Touch c or d to select the segment of
the clock display you wish to set.
Each time you touch c or d it will select one
segment of the clock display:
As you select segments of the clock display
the segment selected will be highlighted.
4 Touch a or b to put a clock right.
Each time you touch a it increases the se-
lected hour or minute. Each time you touch b
it decreases the selected hour or minute.
! You can match the clock to a time signal by
touching JUST.
If 00 to 29, the minutes are rounded down.
(e.g., 10:18 becomes 10:00.)
If 30 to 59, the minutes are rounded up.
(e.g., 10:36 becomes 11:00.)
! Even when the sources are off, the clock dis-
play appears on the display.

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Pioneer AVH-P6000DVD Installatiehandleiding - English - 8 pagina's

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