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Introduction of DSP
You can use this unit to control multi-channel
processor (e.g. DEQ-P6600), which is sold sepa-
! Some functions may differ depending on the
multi-channel processor connected to this
By carrying out the following settings/adjust-
ments in the order shown, you can create a fi-
nely-tuned sound field effortlessly.
1 Setting the speaker setting
2 Using the position selector
3 Auto TA and EQ (auto-time alignment and auto-
4 Adjusting the time alignment
5 Adjusting the speaker output levels using a
test tone
6 Selecting a cross-over frequency
7 Adjusting the speaker output levels
8 Adjusting 3-band parametric equalizer
1 DSP display
Shows the DSP function names.
1 Touch AUDIO MENU to display MENU.
MENU appears on the display.
2 Touch DSP to display the DSP function
The DSP function names are displayed and
operable ones are highlighted.
# To go to the next group of function names,
touch NEXT.
# To return to the previous group of function
names, touch PREV.
# When playing discs recorded with more than
96 kHz sampling frequency, you cannot use audio
functions. Also, equalizer curve setting,
POSITION, AUTO EQ and AUTO TA will be can-
# When playing discs recorded with more than
96 kHz sampling frequency, audio is outputted
from front speakers only.
# When selecting FM as the source, you cannot
switch to SLA.
# When playing other than the DVD disc, you
cannot switch to D.R.C.
# When neither FRONT-L nor FRONT-R is se-
lected in POSITION, you cannot switch to
# When both the center speaker and the rear
speaker are set to OFF in the speaker setting, you
cannot switch to DOLBY PRO LOGIC II.
# To return to the previous display, touch BACK.
# To return to the display of each source, touch
If you do not operate the DSP function within
about 30 seconds, the display is automatically re-
turned to the source display.
Using the position selector
One way to assure a more natural sound is to
accurately position the stereo image, putting
you right in the center of the sound field. The
position selector function lets you automati-
cally adjust the speaker output levels and in-
serts a delay time to match the number and
position of occupied seats.
Digital Signal Processor

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Andere handleiding(en) van Pioneer AVH-P6000DVD

Pioneer AVH-P6000DVD Installatiehandleiding - English - 8 pagina's

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