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Symptom Cause Action (Refer-
ence page)
The image is
extremely un-
and dark dur-
ing playback.
Some discs fea-
ture a signal to
prohibit copying.
Since this unit is
compatible with
the analog copy
generation man-
agement system,
when playing a
disc that has a sig-
nal prohibiting
copying, horizontal
stripes or other im-
per fections may
appear when
viewed on some
displays. This is
not a malfunction.
Video CD
Symptom Cause Action
The PBC (play-
back control)
menu cannot
be called up.
The Video CD
being played
does not feature
This operation is
not available for
Video CDs that do
not feature PBC.
Repeat play
and track/time
search are not
The Video CD
being played fea-
tures PBC.
This operation is
not available for
Video CDs that fea-
ture PBC.
Symptom Cause Action
The iPod does
not operate
The cables are in-
correctly con-
Disconnect the
cable from the
iPod. Once the
iPods main menu
is displayed, recon-
nect the iPod and
reset it.
The iPod version
is old.
Update the iPod
Error messages
When you contact your dealer or your nearest
Pioneer Service Center, be sure to note the
error message.
Message Cause Action
No Data This unit cannot
receive program
service name in-
Move to the desir-
able location with
good reception.
Message Cause Action
Different Re-
gion Disc
The disc does not
have the same
region number
as this unit.
Replace the DVD
with one bearing
the correct region
The disc is dirty. Clean the disc.
The disc is
Replace the disc.
The disc is
loaded upside
Check that the disc
is loaded correctly.
There is an elec-
trical or mechan-
ical error.
Press RESET.
This type of disc
cannot be played
on this unit.
Replace the disc
with one that can
be played on this
The inserted disc
does not contain
any playable
Replace the disc.
Protect All the files on
the inserted disc
are embedded
with DRM.
Replace the disc.
Skipped The inserted disc
contains DRM
protected files.
Play an audio file
not embedded with
Windows Media
DRM 9/10.
TEMP The temperature
of the unit is out-
side the normal
operating range.
Wait until the unit
returns to a tem-
perature within the
normal operating
Rental Ex-
The inserted disc
contains expired
DivX VOD con-
Select a file that
can be played.
Additional Information
Additional Information

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Andere handleiding(en) van Pioneer AVH-2300DVD

Pioneer AVH-2300DVD Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 64 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-2300DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 68 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-2300DVD Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 64 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-2300DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 72 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-2300DVD Installatiehandleiding - English, Français - 64 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-2300DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 72 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-2300DVD Installatiehandleiding - Italiano, Espanõl - 64 pagina's

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