Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Switching to Link Search
mode to play songs re-
lated to the currently
playing song on the iPod.
Refer to Displaying lists
related to the currently
playing song (Link Search)
on page 27.
Playing all songs on the
iPod in random order.
Refer to Playing all songs
in random order (shuffle
all) on page 23.
Conducting operation
from your iPod and listen-
ing to it using your cars
Refer to Operating this
units iPod function from
your iPod on page 22.
! Text information
Displaying the Songs list
on the iPod.
Refer to Searching for a
video/music by category
on page 24.
Displaying the Artists list
on the iPod.
Refer to Searching for a
video/music by category
on page 24.
Displaying the Albums
list on the iPod.
Refer to Searching for a
video/music by category
on page 24.
! Artwork display
Starting Album Link Search on your iPod
when you touch the artwork display.
Refer to Displaying lists related to the cur-
rently play ing song (Link Search) on page 27.
Playing back sound
1 Insert the disc into the disc loading slot with the
label side up.
Playback will automatically start.
! While an iPod is connected to this unit, PIONEER,
OK to disconnect or
(check mark) is displayed
on the iPod.
! When the source icon is not displayed, it can be
displayed by touching the screen.
! Disconnect headphones from the iPod before
connecting it to this unit.
! Depending on the iPod model and the amount of
data stored in the iPod, it may take some time for
playback to begin.
! Use the touch panel keys to select the iPod after
connecting it to this unit.
! No Device is displayed when disconnecting the
Ejecting a disc
Refer to Ejecting a disc on page 11.
Selecting a track using the buttons
1 Press c or d (TRACK/SEEK).
Fast forwarding or reversing using the buttons
1 Press and hold c or d (TRACK/SEEK).
! When playing back files recorded as VBR
(variable bit rate) files, the play time will not be
correctly displayed if fast forward or reverse
operations are used.
! To ensure proper operation, connect the dock
connector cable from the iPod directly to this
! While the iPod is connected to this unit, the
iPod cannot be turned on or off.
! If the characters recorded on the disc are not
compatible with this unit, those characters
will not be displayed.
! Text information may not be correctly dis-
played depending on the recorded environ-
! Disconnect the USB portable audio player/
USB memory when you are done using it.
! When you select Clock on Selecting the back-
ground display on page 41, the artwork is not
Playing audio
Playing audio

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Andere handleiding(en) van Pioneer AVH-2300DVD

Pioneer AVH-2300DVD Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 64 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-2300DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 68 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-2300DVD Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch - 64 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-2300DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 72 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-2300DVD Installatiehandleiding - English, Français - 64 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-2300DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 72 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-2300DVD Installatiehandleiding - Italiano, Espanõl - 64 pagina's

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