Pagina terug
Pagina verder
Selects a file from the list.
Selecting files from the file name list on page 20
p By pressing the
or button, you can also skip files
forwards or backwards.
p By pressing and hold the
or button, you can also
perform fast reverse or fast forwards.
p Before using the Bluetooth audio player, register and con-
nect the device to this product.
Registering your Bluetooth devices on page 8
p Depending on the Bluetooth device connected to this prod-
uct, the available operations with this product may be limited
or differ from the descriptions in this manual.
p While you are listening to songs on your Bluetooth device,
please refrain from operating the phone function as much as
possible. If you try operating, the signal may cause noise for
song playback.
p When you are talking on the Bluetooth device connected to
this product via Bluetooth, it may pause playback.
Starting procedure
1 Display the “System” setting screen.
2 Touch [AV Source Settings].
3 Confirm that “Bluetooth Audio” is turned on.
4 Press
5 Touch [Bluetooth Audio].
Selecting les from the le
name list
p This function may not be available depending on some
Bluetooth device.
1 Touch .
2 Touch a file or a folder on the list to play back.
Switches between the screen to
operate video les and that to
operate music les.
Hides the touch panel keys.
To display again the keys,
touch anywhere on the screen.
p is only available when there are both audio and video
files on the auxiliary equipment.
p A Mini-jack AV cable (CD-RM10) (sold separately) is required
for connection.
For details on how to connect the external video compo-
nent, refer to the installation manual.
For safety reasons, video images cannot be viewed while your
vehicle is in motion. To view video images, stop in a safe place
and apply the handbrake.
Starting procedure
You can display the video image output by the device connected
to video input.
1 Display the “System” setting screen.
2 Confirm that “AUX Input” is turned on.
3 Press
4 Touch [AUX].
The image is displayed on the screen.
Setting the video signal
When you connect this product to an AUX equipment, select the
suitable video signal setting.
p You can operate this function only for the video signal input
into the AUX input.
1 Display the “Video Setup” screen.
2 Touch [Video Signal Setting].
3 Touch [AUX].
4 Touch the item you want to set.
The following items are available:
Auto (default), PAL, NTSC, PAL-M, PAL-N, SECAM.
AUX source
< QRB3656-A >
Bluetooth audio
AUX source

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Andere handleiding(en) van Pioneer AVH-190DVD

Pioneer AVH-190DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 43 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-190DVD Installatiehandleiding - Nederlands - 44 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-190DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 44 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-190DVD Installatiehandleiding - Deutsch, English - 44 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-190DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 43 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-190DVD Installatiehandleiding - Français, Italiano, Espanõl - 44 pagina's

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