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Your new product and this manual
Do not operate this product, any applications, or the rear
view camera option (if purchased) if doing so will divert your
attention in any way from the safe operation of your vehicle.
Always observe safe driving rules and follow all existing
traffic regulations. If you experience difficulty in operating
this product or reading the display, park your vehicle in a
safe location and apply the handbrake before making the
necessary adjustments.
Do not install this product where it may (i) obstruct the driv-
er’s vision, (ii) impair the performance of any of the vehicle’s
operating systems of safety features, including airbags, haz-
ard lamp buttons, or (iii) impair the driver’s ability to safely
operate the vehicle. In some cases, it may not be possible to
install this product because of the vehicle type or the shape
of the vehicle interior.
The graphical symbol
placed on the product means
direct current.
Important safeguards
Pioneer does not recommend that you install this
product yourself. This product is designed for
professional installation only. We recommend that only
authorised Pioneer service personnel, who have special
training and experience in mobile electronics, set up and
install this product. NEVER SERVICE THIS PRODUCT
YOURSELF. Installing or servicing this product and its
connecting cables may expose you to the risk of electric
shock or other hazards, and can cause damage to this
product that is not covered by warranty.
Precautions before connecting
the system
Do not take any steps to tamper with or disable the
handbrake interlock system which is in place for your
protection. Tampering with or disabling the handbrake
interlock system could result in serious injury or death.
Secure all wiring with cable clamps or electrical tape.
Do not allow any bare wiring to remain exposed.
Do not directly connect the yellow lead of this product
to the vehicle battery. If the lead is directly connected
to the battery, engine vibration may eventually cause
the insulation to fail at the point where the wire
passes from the passenger compartment into the
engine compartment. If the yellow lead’s insulation
tears as a result of contact with metal parts, short-
circuiting can occur, resulting in considerable danger.
It is extremely dangerous to allow cables to become
wound around the steering column or gearstick. Be
sure to install this product, its cables, and wiring
away in such so that they will not obstruct or hinder
Make sure that the cables and wires will not interfere
with or become caught in any of the vehicle’s moving
parts, especially the steering wheel, gearstick,
handbrake, sliding seat tracks, doors, or any of the
vehicle’s controls.
Do not route wires where they will be exposed to
high temperatures. If the insulation heats up, wires
may become damaged, resulting in a short circuit or
malfunction and permanent damage to the product.
Do not shorten any leads. If you do, the protection
circuit (fuse holder, fuse resistor or filter, etc.) may
fail to work properly.
Never feed power to other electronic products by
cutting the insulation of the power supply lead of
this product and tapping into the lead. The current
capacity of the lead will be exceeded, causing
Before installing this product
Use this unit with a 12-volt battery and negative earthing
only. Failure to do so may result in a fire or malfunction.
To avoid shorts in the electrical system, be sure to discon-
nect the (–) battery cable before installation.
To prevent damage
Use speakers over 50 W (output value) and between
speakers for this unit.
The black lead is earth. Please earth this lead
separately from the earth of high-current products
such as power amps. Do not earth more than one
product together with the earth from another product.
For example, you must separately earth any amp
unit away from the earth of this product. Connecting
earths together can cause a fire and/or damage the
products if their earths became detached.
When replacing the fuse, be sure to only use a fuse of
the rating prescribed on this product.
This product cannot be installed in a vehicle without ACC
(accessory) position on the ignition switch.
ACC position No ACC position
To avoid short-circuiting, cover the disconnected lead with
insulating tape. It is especially important to insulate all
unused speaker leads, which if left uncovered may cause a
short circuit.
For connecting a power amp or other devices to this product,
refer to the manual for the product to be connected.
Notice for the blue/white lead
When the ignition switch is turned on (ACC ON), a control
signal is output through the blue/white lead. Connect to an
external power amp’s system remote control terminal, the
auto-aerial relay control terminal, or the aerial booster power
control terminal (max. 300 mA 12 V DC). The control signal is
output through the blue/white lead, even if the audio source
is switched off.
< QRD3468-A >

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Andere handleiding(en) van Pioneer AVH-190DVD

Pioneer AVH-190DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 43 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-190DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 44 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-190DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - English - 38 pagina's

Pioneer AVH-190DVD Gebruiksaanwijzing - Français - 43 pagina's

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