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Selecting fine audio equipment such as the unit
you’ve just purchased is only the start of your
musical enjoyment. Now it’s time to consider how
you can maximize the fun and excitement your
equipment offers. This manufacturer and the
Electronic Industries Association’s Consumer
Electronics Group want you to get the most out of
your equipment by playing it at a safe level. One that
lets the sound come through loud and clear without
annoying blaring or distortion-and, most importantly,
without affecting your sensitive hearing.
Sound can be deceiving. Over time your hearing
“comfort level” adapts to higher volumes of sound.
So what sounds “normal” can actually be loud and
harmful to your hearing. Guard against this by
setting your equipment at a safe level BEFORE your
hearing adapts.
To establish a safe level:
@ Start your volume control at a low setting.
@ Slowly increase the sound until you can hear it
comfortably and clearly, and without distortion.
Once you have established a comfortable sound
@ Set the dial and leave it there.
Taking a minute to do this now will help to prevent
hearing damage or loss in the future. After all, we
want you listening for a lifetime.
We Want You Listening For A Lifetime
Used wisely, your new sound equipment will
provide a lifetime of fun and enjoyment. Since
hearing damage from loud noise is often
undetectable until it is too late, this manufacturer
and the Electronic Industries Association’s
Consumer Electronics Group recommend you avoid
prolonged exposure to excessive noise. This list of
sound levels is included for your protection.
Level Example
30 Quiet library, soft whispers
Living room, refrigerator, bedroom away from traffic
50 Light traffic, normal conversation, quiet office
60 Air conditioner at 20 feet, sewing machine
70 Vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, noisy restaurant
Average city traffic, garbage disposals, alarm clock
at two feet.
Subway, motorcycle, truck traffic, lawn mower
100 Garbage truck, chain saw, pneumatic drill
120 Rock band concert in front of speakers,
140 Gunshot blast, jet plane
180 Rocket launching pad
Information courtesy of the Deafness Research Foundation.
Published by Pioneer Corporation.
Copyright © 2009 Pioneer Corporation.
All rights reserved.
Publication de Pioneer Corporation.
© 2009 Pioneer Corporation.
Tous droits de reproduction et de traduction réservés.
Printed in Malaysia / Imprimé en Malaisie
AS-BT100_back_cover.fm 4 ページ 2009年3月16日 月曜日 午後2時58分

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