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Connecting up 02
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Using a USB cable to connect to a
computer (A-70 only)
If a USB cable (sold separately) is used to connect this
unit’s DIGITAL IN USB terminal to a computer’s USB
port, music files located on the computer can be played
through this unit.
For more information regarding the output of audio
signals input to the DIGITAL IN USB terminal, consult
page 12.
When using this connection to input audio files
from a computer to this unit, it may be necessary to
install a special driver on the computer. For details,
see the website of Pioneer.
This unit cannot be used to play audio files from a
computer unless Media Player is installed on the
connected computer.
Plugging in
When going on a trip or otherwise not using the
unit for an extended period, always disconnect the
power cord from its outlet. Note that various
internal settings will not be lost even if the power
cord is disconnected from its outlet for an extended
If it is necessary to detach the power cord, first be
sure to press the
STANDBY/ON button on the
front panel of the unit so the unit is turned OFF
before detaching the cord.
The use of a power cord other than the one provided
will invalidate the warranty, since Pioneer will not
be responsible for any damage incurred. (The
power cord provided with the unit has a rated
current capacity of 10 A.)
Do not use any power cord other than the one
supplied with this unit.
Do not use the supplied power cord for any purpose
other than that described below.
After you’ve finished making all connections, plug the
unit into an AC outlet.
1 Plug the supplied power cord into the
socket on the rear panel of the unit.
2 Plug the other end into an AC outlet.
USB cable
(sold separately)
A-70’s rear panel
To AC outlet
This unit’s rear panel
Power cord
A70_SYXE8.book 7 ページ 2012年7月27日 金曜日 午後6時53分

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