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Useful Adjustment Settings
Changing the brightness at both sides
of the screen (Side Mask)
With the 4:3, FULL 14:9, or CINEMA 14:9 screen size selected
for the AV mode, you can change the brightness of the grey
side masks that appear at both sides of the screen.
1 Press HOME MENU.
2 Select “Option” ( / then ENTER).
3 Select “Side Mask” ( / then ENTER).
4 Select the desired parameter ( / then ENTER).
5 Press HOME MENU to exit the menu.
If you select “Auto”, the selection for “Drive Mode” (page 36)
becomes ineffective.
Sleep Timer
When the selected time elapses, the Sleep Timer automatically
places the system into the standby mode.
1 Press HOME MENU.
2 Select “Sleep Timer” ( / then ENTER).
3 Select the desired time ( / then ENTER).
You can select from among “Off” (cancel), “30 min”, “60
min”, “90 min”, and “120 min”.
4 Press HOME MENU to exit the menu.
Five minutes before the selected time elapses, the remaining
time appears every minute.
To check the remaining time, perform steps 1 and 2. After
checking the time, press HOME MENU to restore the
previous display.
Using a password
The Plasma Display System provides the Child Lock function
for preventing children from watching inappropriate
programmes. You need to enter a password when watching
programmes with “Block” specified. Before the system is
shipped, “1234” is preset as the factory-default password. You
can however, change the password as you want.
When using the Home menu you select “Auto Installation”,
“Analogue TV Setup”, or “Password”, a screen prompting
password entry appears to prevent others from changing the
programme settings at their choices.
Entering a password
In a case where you select a channel blocked with Child Lock
or password entry is requested when attempting to open the
menu, enter a password correctly.
1 Enter a correct 4-digit password using buttons 0 – 9.
If you fail password entry three times, “Invalid password.”
appears, and the menu is closed. In order to display the
password entry screen again to unlock the password, select
the blocked channel or open the menu again.
If the password entry screen disappears before entry, you
may recall it by pressing ENTER.
Item Description
(factory default)
Always sets the same brightness for the grey
side masks.
Auto Adjusts the brightness of the grey side masks
according to the brightness of images.
Side Mask
Please Input Your Password.
PDP-506FDE.book Page 38 Wednesday, June 29, 2005 4:00 PM

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