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Problem Cause Solution
a Some of the problems indicated below may be resolved by following the instructions. All work must be carried out when the appliance
is cold and disconnected from the electricity supply (pull out the plug).
a Authorised qualied persons must be contacted, in accordance with current regulations, whenever it is necessary to work on parts
inside the cladding or the rebox in order to resolve the problem.
It is therefore recommended that only your authorised service dealer be contacted.
Installation and repair sholud only be performed by a qualied service technician. Do not attempt to service the appliance yourself.
a Unauthorised tampering with the appliance or the use of other than original spare parts not only creates situations of risk for operator
safety, but invalidates the warranty and relieves the manufacturer from all liability.
The control panel display is not lit The appliance is not powered
Check that the power cable is plugged
into the wall socket and connected to
the appliance
Faulty power cable
Replace the power cable (use only
original spares)
Fuses blown
Check the fuses in both the plug and
the electronic board, replacing them if
necessary. If the problem persists call
an electrician
Faulty control panel
Replace the control panel (use only
original spares)
Faulty at cable
Replace the at cable (use only
original spares)
Faulty electronic board
Replace the electronic board (use only
original spares)
Stove combustion gas safety device
“ALF 1” stove status
Blocked ue or ue gas outlet
Check and clean the ue and the
Fuel hopper lid remained opened for
more than 60 s
Control if the lid is closed
Broken smoke extractor
Replace the motor (use only original
Fire door open Control if the door is closed
Flue system too long Check correct installation
Damaged door sealing gaskets
Check all the gaskets and seals of the
door and ue pipe
Hose connection blocked
Dismantle and clean the hose
connection for the vacuum gauge
Silicone piping blocked or broken Check and/or replace piping
Faulty electronic board
Replace the electronic board (use only
original spares)
H07031310 / DT2002112 – 00

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