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Please take 5 minutes to read through the whole
of this leaflet before you use your Express Bottle
and Baby Food Warmer for the first time and
retain for future reference.
The Express Bottle and Baby Food Warmer allows you
to warm all AVENT Airflex Feeding Bottles as well as
baby food jars and tins safely and quickly. The Express
Bottle and Baby Food Warmer isn’t meant for keeping
liquid or food warm as vitamins can be destroyed.
The speed at which the warmer heats the milk or
food depends on the size of the bottle or container
and the starting temperature of the milk or food
(e.g. room temperature 20°C or out of fridge 5°C).
Diagram 2 gives an indication of approximate warming
time. Always test the temperature before feeding.
The following guidelines are the approximate
temperature the water
* surrounding the
container can reach. This is not a heating guide
for liquid or food!
a) Basket
b) Warmer body
c) Dial
d) Baby food container and weaning spoon
Instructions for Use
For Airflex Feeding Bottles
1) Ensure basket is in place inside the warmer.
2) Place the assembled, filled bottle in the warmer.
3) For 125ml/4oz Airflex Bottles, fill the warmer with
water to just above the level of milk in the bottle.
4) For larger Airflex Bottles (260ml/9oz), fill the
warmer to 15mm (1/2 inch) below the rim of
the warmer.
5) Never let the water level rise above the neck of
the bottle or spill over the edge of the warmer.
6) Plug in the unit and switch on at the mains.
Turn the dial to setting 3.
7) The light will illuminate to indicate the warmer
is working.
8) During the warming process, the light will come
on and off to indicate that the water surrounding
the bottle is being heated to the maximum
temperature of the setting.
9) Always test the feed and when it has reached
the required temperature, remove immediately.
10) Shake the bottle gently and check the temperature
of the milk by sprinkling a few drops on to your
wrist before you feed your baby.
11) Take care not to overheat the milk.
NB: please refer to the timings in Diagram 2.
NB: The basket can be removed when heating the
AVENT Magic Cup and other makes of bottles.
For baby food jars and tins
1) Ensure basket is in place inside the warmer.
2) Remove the lid and place jar or tin in the warmer.
3) Fill the warmer with water to 15 mm (1/2 inch)
below the top of the jar/tin.
4) Plug in the unit and switch on at the mains.
Turn the dial to setting 3.
5) Continue as 7-9 above.
6) The warmer will work in the same way as for
feeding bottles. Take care when removing the jar or
tin as they, and the water surrounding them, will
be hot.
7) For small jars/tins you may find it beneficial
to place a screw ring from an AVENT Airflex
Bottle below the jar/tin before adding the
water in order to remove the container easily.
8) Stir the food and test it on a spoon yourself
to ensure it is not too hot for your baby.
9) Take care not to overheat the feed.
NB: please refer to the timings in Diagram 2.
Care of your warmer
Unplug and allow to cool before cleaning. Remove
basket and wipe inside and outside with a damp cloth
only, this will keep the warmer looking new. DO NOT
USE AN ABRASIVE CLEANER. It may be advantageous
to use pre-boiled or filtered water in your warmer in
order to reduce limescale build up.
You should de-scale your Express Bottle and Baby Food
Warmer every four weeks to ensure it continues to
work 100 % effectively.
Mix one sachet of citric acid (10 g) with 200ml/7oz
of water. Ensure basket is in place and pour solution
into warmer. Heat for 10 minutes on setting 3. After
10 minutes, switch off by unplugging from the wall
and leave to stand for 30 minutes. Pour the solution
away and rinse the warmer with tap water. Citric acid
is available from most chemists and through Philips
AVENT Customer Service.
Pour 50ml/2oz of vinegar (white) mixed with
100ml/4oz of cold water into the warmer (with
basket in place). Allow to stand in the unit until
any limescale has dissolved. Empty the unit and
rinse thoroughly.
The Express Bottle and Baby Food Warmer is fitted
with a non-rewireable moulded plug. The mains
supply cord of the appliance CANNOT be replaced. If
the cord is damaged, the appliance should be
The lead supplied must not be used on any other
appliance and no other lead should be used with the
Express Bottle and Baby Food Warmer.
This product is manufactured to comply with
the Radio Interference Requirements and the
EEC Directive 89/336/EEC.
When in use the warmer contains hot water.
Always place container into warmer before
adding water.
Ensure water has been added before
switching the unit on.
If the feed is left in the warmer, the temperature
will continue to increase as the thermostat cuts
in/out whilst connected to the electric mains.
Always test the feed and when it has reached
the required temperature, remove immediately.
Always unplug from the socket after each
use to switch the bottle warmer off.
This appliance is intended for use by responsible
persons, keep out of the reach of small children
and the infirm.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities, or lack of experience or
knowledge, unless they have been given
supervision or instruction concerning use of the
appliance by a person responsible for their safety.
For use 6+ months.
Small-bowled spoons specially designed for small
mouths and tender gums.
Long handle – easy to hold, use and clean.
Shaped for easier feeding without spills.
For your child's safety and health Warning!
Before first use, clean the product. Dishwasher safe.
Sterilise using a Philips AVENT Steam Steriliser or boil
for 5 minutes. Before each use, inspect the product.
Throw away at the first sign of damage or weakness.
Do not leave in sunlight when not in use or for longer
than recommended in heat or sterilising solution, as
this may weaken the product. Always use this product
with adult supervision. Always check food
temperature before feeding.
Philips AVENT guarantees that should the Express
Bottle and Baby Food Warmer become faulty during
twelve months from the date of purchase, it will be
replaced free of charge during this time. Please return
it to the retailer where it was purchased. Please keep
your receipt as a proof of purchase, together with a
note of when and where purchased. For the guarantee
to be valid, please note:
The Express Bottle and Baby Food Warmer must
be used according to the instructions in this leaflet
and connected to a suitable electricity supply.
The claim must not be a result of accident,
misuse, dirt, neglect or fair wear and tear.
This does not affect your statutory rights.
Philips AVENT is here to help
Call FREE on
0800 289 064
Call FREE on
1800 509 021
AU: 1 300 364 474
write: AVENT, Suffolk, CO10 7QS, England
Philips AVENT Express Bottle and Baby Food Warmer
Setting Approximate water* temperature
surrounding the container
1 35 – 45 °C
2 45 – 75 °C
3 75 – 85 °C
9238-Exp_BW_Lft_GBEU_5140.qxd 7/8/07 16:12 Page 4

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