Pagina terug
Pagina verder
timer mode 21
Additional devices
call transfer 31
connection 13
fax switch 20
setup 46
technical term 56
Adjusting the recording time ¹)
Answering device ¹) 38
adjusting the recording time
automatic forwarding of
messages 41
deleting messages 40
in DAY mode 23
in NIGHT mode 25
listening to messages 40
pointer on the display 6
recording a telephone
conversation 42
recording memos
Announcement only 43
recording your outgoing
message 38
remote access 44
switching on/off 38
VIP-code 42
volume of messages 40
Answering device¹)
recording memos
internal memo 43
Answering machine
fax switch 20
how to connect an additional
answering machine 13
Appendix 55
Arrows on the display 6
Base station of cordless
proper location 7
Basic functions 16
Call duration on the display 26
Call transfer
from an additional telephone
to the fax machine 31
from fax machine to an
additional telephone 31
Caller ID 26
deleting entries from the
memory 27
Dialling a telephone number
of a received call 27
Searching through the
memory 26
DAY mode 22
names 18
NIGHT mode ²) 24
NIGHT mode ¹) 25
numbers 18
recording time ¹) 39
timer mode 21
transmission speed 37
type of ring signal 19
volume of loudspeaker 19
volume of messages ¹) 40
volume of ring signal 19
Cleaning the fax machine 53
Easy Link 46
polled reception 34
polling send 35
remote access ¹) 44
service code 52
VIP ¹) 42
parallel 21
serial 20
of additional devices 13
to separate sockets 14
to the same socket 13
of the fax machine 8
of the handset to the fax
machine 8
of the spiral cable to the
handset 8
to a home telephone system
to private branch exchange
to the power supply 9
to the telephone socket 8
Copying 46
feeding documents in 32
Cordless telephone
connection 13
fax switch 20
proper location of the base
station 7
stored short dial/telephone
book entries 30
Correct location
of the base station of
cordless telephones 7
of your fax machine 7
of names and numbers 18
how to enter 9, 16
DAY mode 22
configuring/checking 23
Day mode
pointer on the display 6
timer mode 21
Delayed send 35
messages ¹) 40
settings 52
stored short dial/telephone
book entries 30
Description of the device 6
Device description 6
Dial modes 9
without lifting the handset 30
Dirty fax machine 53
Caller ID 26
clock 21
Fax recept.: *5 46
language 16
pointers 6
Rel. line: ** 46
Transfer: *0 46
DMM ¹)
pointer on the display 6
receiving faxes in memory
good quality originals 32
technical term 56
Document feed roller
cleaning 53
Document feed slot 6
Document outlet 6
Document width adapter 6
technical term 56
of recording time ¹) 39
Easy Install 13
Easy Link 46
display language 16
time and date 9, 16
your name 17
your telephone number 17
Error report - transmission report
explanation 48
External answering machine
connecting 13
Fax journal 36
Fax message
receive paperless 37
sending 33
insert documents 32
Fax recept.: *5 46
Fax reception
DAY mode 22
EXPERT mode 48
NIGHT mode ²) 24
NIGHT mode ¹) 25
via computer/modem 22
Fax switch 20
alternatives 20
DAY mode 22
EXPERT mode 48
in use with additional devices
NIGHT mode ²) 24
NIGHT mode ¹) 25
parallel configuration 21
serial configuration 20
technical term 56
timer mode 21
Faxing to sub-addresses 35
Feeding documents in 32
Fine mode
pointer on the display 6
sending a fax 34
when copying 46
of Check Display lamp 4, 5
of the PLAY/PAUSE key ¹)
of messages ¹) 41
Front ink film compartment 6
Basic functions 16
overview 3
¹ only for fax machines with built-in answering machine
General view of functions 3
Glossary 56
Guarantee 61
Hands-free operation ¹) 31
entering your name 17
entering your number 17
Help key 47
pressing for at least 2
seconds 13
Home telephone system
connecting the fax machine
technical term 56
Hook-flash function 26
Hotline 61
Identity of the caller 26
deleting entries from the
memory 27
Important information 2
Improving the picture quality 34
Incoming message
technical term 56
general 2
Ink film
cover 6
front compartment 6
loading the new ink film 11
rear compartment 6
removing the old inkfilm 10
replacing 10
technical term 56
Insert documents 32
Installation 7
connecting additional devices
to separate sockets 14
to the same socket 13
connecting the handset to the
fax machine 8
connecting the spiral cable to
the handset 8
connecting to a home
telephone system 14
connecting to a private
branch exchange 14
connecting to the power
supply 9
connecting to the telephone
socket 8
connection of additional
devices 13
correct location 7
Easy Install function 13
location of the base station of
cordless phones 7
Internal memo / "note pad" ¹) 43
Key allocation ²) 4
Key allocation ¹) 5
Language of display and reports
fax journal 36
Listening to messages ¹) 40
paper 12
the new inkfilm 11
² only for fax machines without built-in answering machine

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Andere handleiding(en) van Philips ppf 251magic memo

Philips ppf 251magic memo Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 60 pagina's

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