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12 Telephone Lines
and Additional Devices
Configuring Telephone Lines and
Private Branch Exchanges
Private Branch Exchanges
Private branch exchanges (PABX) are typical in many of-
fices and private households. You must dial an outside line
access code in order to establish a connection with the pub-
lic telephone network (PSTN) from an extension.
External Dev ice Not Extension
1 Press OK, 96 and OK.
2 In many countries, you can set either pulse dialling or
tone dialling (DTMF tones). Use [ to select the de-
sired dialling method.
3 Confirm with OK.
4 Use [ to set whether you operate your machine on an
5 Confirm with OK.
6 Configuring an extension: Enter the outside line
access code with which you reach the public telephone
network. This is usually 0.
7 When finished, the machine tests the telephone line.
Confirm with OK.
Your machine checks whether it can establish a connection
with the public telephone network. If it cannot establish
the connection, you are once again asked for input.
Outside Line Access Code Error
DSL Connection
In the event that you use a DSL modem: Connect the ma-
chine after the modem. For additional information, please
consult the operating manual of your DSL system.
ISDN Connection
Details for ISDN connections can be found in the instructions
provided with the terminal adapter or the dial-up router.
Voice Mailbox
You cannot simultaneously use the answering machine facil-
ity of your telephone service provider (= voice-mail box) and
receive faxes on your devices. Get the mail-box function for
your telephone connection deactivated or set the number of
rings for the fax switch to lower than
on your device (also
see Chapter Setting the Fax Switch,
Page 34
). When the fax
switch accepts the call, the mail-box of the service provider
does not step in. Enquire with your telephone company.
Registering and de-registering
additional cordless telephones
Configuring the c ordless telephone
Normally your cordless telephone is registered with your
device in the factory. In the starting mode, press OK. The
display shows on which base unit and with which number
the cordless telephone is registered.
Unregistered cordless telephones
Additional cordless telephones
You can register in all up to five cordless telephones with
your device. Using only original cordless phones as addi-
tional cordless phones ensures optimum use of all func-
tions. You can get original cordless telephones through our
order service or at specialist shops.
GAP compatible
Registering cordless telephone
Registering cordless telephone
You must first bring the cordless telephone and then your
device (= base station) in the registration mode to register
a cordless telephone.
1 Press [, and using [ select
2 Confirm using OK.
3 Dial using [
4 Confirm using OK.
5 Dial using [
6 Confirm using OK.
7 Dial using [
8 Confirm using OK.
9 Confirm using ô
Yes. The cordless telephone goes
into registration mode.
10 Press OK, 82 and OK on the device
11 Confirm the preset PIN code (
0000) using OK.
The cordless telephone is automatically registered. This
process can take a few minutes. Then the number with
which it is registered with the device appears on the display
of the cordless telephone.
Registering other cordless telephones
De-registering cordless telephone
On the device
1 Press OK, 83 and OK.
2 Using [ select which cordless telephone you are
would like to de-register.
3 Confirm using OK. The device disconnects from the
cordless telephone.
An additional telephone connected to the machine
on a telephone socket is not considered an extension.
Only use pulse dialling if tone dialling is not yet
activated for your telephone line.
In rare cases, the outside line access code may be a differ-
ent number or a two-digit number. For older telephone
systems, the outside line access code can be R (= Flash).
to enter this outside line access code. Should a
connection to the public telephone network not be pos-
sible, contact the provider of your telephone system.
If you acquired a model with several cordless tele-
phones, only one cordless telephone is registered
with your device in the factory. Insert the batteries as
described above and register the cordless telephones
with your device (also see Chapter "Telephone con-
nections and additional devices", page 39).
Additional cordless telephone must be GAP-compatible.
You can register other cordless telephones with your
device in the same manner. If you face any difficulties
in registering, de-register all cordless telephones, and
re-register them individually.

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Philips magic 5 color dect Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 60 pagina's

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