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With your new Philips ladyshave Body Contour you can
quickly, easily and comfortably remove unwanted hair
from dry or wet skin.
The Philips ladyshave Body Contour is equipped with a
oating shaving head, which optimally adapts to the skin in
order to ensure a perfectly smooth shave.
You can use the ladyshave either dry or wet. If you shave
while taking a bath or shower, we advise you to use soap
or shaving foam for the most comfortable shave. After
use you can simply rinse the ladyshave in the shower or
under the tap. Make sure the battery compartment is
properly closed during wet use and when you clean the
Read this user manual carefully before you use the
appliance and save it for future reference.
This appliance is not intended for use by persons
(including children) with reduced physical, sensory
or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and
knowledge, unless they have been given supervision
or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a
person responsible for their safety.
Children should be supervised to ensure that they
do not play with the appliance.
Do not clean the appliance with water that is hotter
than shower temperature.
Use and store the appliance at a temperature
between 15°C and 35°C.
Make sure your hands and the appliance are dry
when you insert the batteries.
Do not use the shaving foils and/or the comb
attachment if they are damaged or broken, as this
may cause injury.
Be careful with hot water. Always check if the water
is not too hot, to prevent your hands from getting
This appliance is only intended for shaving and
trimming human hair. Do not use it for any other
Compliance with standards
This Philips appliance complies with all standards
regarding electromagnetic elds (EMF). If handled
properly and according to the instructions in this
user manual, the appliance is safe to use based on
scientic evidence available today.
This appliance complies with the internationally
approved IEC safety regulations and can be safely
used in the bath or shower and cleaned under the
tap (Fig. 1).
This appliance can only be operated on batteries.
Preparing for use
Inserting batteries
Insert two R6 AA 1.5-volt batteries.
We strongly advise you to use Philips LR6 PowerLife
batteries. They supply sufcient energy for approx. 40
minutes of shaving.
To avoid damage due to battery leakage:
do not expose the ladyshave to direct sunlight;
do not expose the appliance to temperatures higher
than 35°C.
Remove the batteries if you are not going to use the
appliance for a month or more.
do not leave empty batteries in the appliance.
1 Make sure that your hands and the appliance are
dry when you insert the batteries.
2 Pull the upper part of the appliance off the lower
part (Fig. 2).
3 Insert the two batteries into the battery
compartment (Fig. 3).
Note: Make sure the + and - marks on the batteries match
those in the battery compartment.
4 Reattach the lower part of the appliance to the
upper part.
The ladyshave is now ready for use.
Using the appliance
1 Set the Trim/Shave slide to the ‘Shave’
position. (Fig. 4)
2 Put the desired shaving foil on the shaving head.
Use the golden shaving foil to shave the
underarms (Fig. 5).
Use the golden shaving foil to shave the bikini
zone (Fig. 6).
Use the silver shaving foil to shave the legs (Fig. 7).
Do not use the silver shaving foil to shave the
underarms and the bikini line to prevent injuries.
3 Switch on the ladyshave (Fig. 8).
4 Place the shaving unit gently on the skin and move
the ladyshave slowly against the direction of hair
growth while pressing it lightly.
The angle between the skin and the ladyshave
should be 70° to get the best results. (Fig. 7)
Put the comb attachment onto the shaving head to
trim the hairs to an even length (about 5mm), e.g. in
the bikini zone (Fig. 9).
The comb attachment can be put onto the shaving
head in different positions, depending on the area to be
1 Set the Trim/Shave slide to the ‘Trim’
position. (Fig. 10)
2 To trim the bikini zone, place the comb attachment
on the shaving head with the recess of the
attachment on the front of the appliance (Fig. 11).
3 To trim the underarms, place the comb attachment
on the shaving head with the recess of the
attachment on the back of the appliance. (Fig. 12)
4 Switch on the ladyshave.
5 Move the appliance against the direction of hair
Make sure the surface of the comb always stays in
contact with the skin (Fig. 13).
1 Remove the comb attachment to shape precise
lines and contours, e.g. in the bikini zone (Fig. 14).
2 Lock the long hair trimmer by setting the Trim/
Shave slide to the ‘Trim’ position. (Fig. 10)
Cleaning and maintenance
Never use scouring pads, abrasive cleaning agents or
aggressive liquids such as petrol or acetone to clean the
After every use
Clean the ladyshave every time you have used it.
1 Switch off the ladyshave.
2 Remove the shaving foil. (Fig. 15)
Do not exert any pressure on the shaving foil to avoid
3 Gently shake the shaving foil to remove hairs or
clean it with the brush supplied.
4 Remove the cutter block (Fig. 16).
5 Clean the hair chamber with the brush
supplied (Fig. 17).
6 For extra thorough cleaning, you can also rinse the
ladyshave under the tap.
Make sure the battery compartment is properly closed
when you clean the appliance under the tap
7 After cleaning, always put the comb attachment on
the appliance to protect the shaving foil (Fig. 9).
Twice a year
Lubricate the shaving foil with a drop of sewing
machine oil twice a year (Fig. 18).
When you are not using the ladyshave you can store it in
the shower by hanging it upside down from the shower
Attach the shower loop to the appliance as shown
in the picture (Fig. 19).
If you use the ladyshave two or more times a week, we
advise you to replace the shaving foils and cutter block
every one to two years.
The silver shaving foil may only be replaced with an
original Philips shaving foil (type HP6117/01).
The golden shaving foil may only be replaced with an
original Philips shaving foil (type HP6121).
The cutter block may only be replaced with an
original Philips cutter block (type HP6111).
Do not throw away the appliance with the normal
household waste at the end of its life, but hand it in
at an ofcial collection point for recycling. By doing
this, you help to preserve the environment (Fig. 20).
Batteries contain substances that may pollute the
environment. Do not throw away empty batteries
with the normal household waste, but dispose of
them at an ofcial collection point for batteries.
Always remove the batteries before you discard and
hand in the appliance at an ofcial collection point.
Guarantee & service
If you need information or if you have a problem, please
visit the Philips website at www.philips.com or contact
the Philips Customer Care Centre in your country
(you nd its phone number in the worldwide guarantee
leaet). If there is no Customer Care Centre in your
country, go to your local Philips dealer or contact the
Service Department of Philips Domestic Appliances and
Personal Care BV.

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