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42 Philips · IPF 520 · 525 · 555
– Failure to properly follow the installation process and
instructions for use
– An external cause to the equipment (including but not
limited to: lightening, fire, shock, vandalism, inappropri-
ate conditions of electrical network or water damage of any
– Modifications made without the written approval of
Sagem Communications
– Unsuitable operating conditions, particularly of temper-
ature and humidity
– Repair or maintenance of the equipment by persons not
authorized by Sagem Communications
•) Wear and tear from normal daily use of the equipment
and its accessories
•) Damage due to insufficient or bad packaging of equip-
ment when returned to Sagem Communications
•) Usage of new versions of software without previous
approval of Sagem Communications
•) Work on any equipment or software modified or added
without the prior written consent of Sagem Communica-
•) Malfunctions not resulting from the Equipment or from
software installed in user workstations for the purpose of
use of the equipment.
Communication problems related to an unsuitable envi-
ronment including:
– Problems related to access and/or connection to the
Internet such as interruptions by access networks or mal-
function of the line used by the subscriber or his corre-
– Transmission faults (for example poor geographical cov-
erage by radio transmitters, interference or poor line qual-
– The local network fault (wiring, servers, workstations) or
the failure of the transmission network (such as but not
limited to interferences, fault or poor quality of the net-
– Modification of the parameters of the cellular network
carried out after the sale of the Product
•) The normal servicing (as defined in the user guide sup-
plied with the equipment) as well as malfunctioning due to
servicing not being carried out. Servicing costs are in any
event always borne by the customer.
•) Malfunctions resulting from the usage of products, con-
sumables or accessories not compatibles with the equip-
C) Out of Guarantee Repairs
In the cases set forth in B) as well as after expiry of the guar-
antee period, the customer must ask the Authorized Sagem
Communications Repair Centre for a cost estimation.
The repair and delivery costs will be invoiced to the cus-
The foregoing shall apply unless otherwise agreed in writ-
ing with the customer and only for the United Kingdom.
Helpdesk: 08 45 - 090 03 15
The CE symbol confirms conformity with the EU direc-
tives that apply to the device.
Declaration of Conformity
Hereby, Sagem Communications Austria GmbH
declares that this IPF¦520, IPF¦525, IPF¦555 is in com-
pliance with the essential requirements and other relevant
provisions of Directive 1999/5/EC.
You can find the complete Declaration of Conformity on
our website www.sagem-ca.at/doc
Energy Star 2007
Energy Star
As a participant in the ENERGY STAR programme,
Sagem Communications Austria GmbH has made sure
that this machine complies with the ENERGY STAR
Packaging: To facilitate packaging recycling, please con-
form to your local selective recycling rules.
Batteries: Old batteries have to be deposited in desig-
nated collection areas.
Product: The crossed out dustbin logo on your product
signifies it is classified as Electrical and Electronic Equip-
ment covered by special disposal regulations.
To enforce recycling, recovery of The Waste Electrical and
Electronic Equipment (WEEE) and to protect the envi-
ronment and human health, European regulations requires
that you selectively collect waste equipment using one of
the following options:
Your retailer will take your equipment back if you are
buying a replacement product.
• Waste equipment can also be deposited in designated col-
lection areas.
The paper and cardboard packaging used can be disposed
of as recyclable paper. Have the plastic wrapping and Sty-
rofoam packaging recycled or dispose of it in the non-recy-
clable waste, depending on the requirements in your coun-

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Andere handleiding(en) van Philips faxjet 525 primo

Philips faxjet 525 primo Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, English - 44 pagina's

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Er is een email naar u verstuurd om uw inschrijving definitief te maken.

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