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Kilobits per second. A digital-data-rate
measurement system which is often used
with highly compressed formats such as AAC,
DAB, MP3 etc. The higher the amount, the
better the quality generally is.
Kensington lock
A Kensington Security Slot (also called a
K-Slot or Kensington lock). Part of an anti-
theft system. It is a small, metal-reinforced
hole found on almost all small or portable
computer and electronics equipment,
particularly on expensive and/or relatively light
ones, such as laptops, computer monitors,
desktop computers, gaming consoles, and
video projectors. It is used for attaching a
lock-and-cable apparatus, in particular those
from Kensington.
Memory Stick
storage on cameras, camcorders and other
handheld devices.
MMC Card
provides storage for cellphones, PDAs and
memory for read/write applications or ROM
chips (ROM-MMC) for static information, the
latter widely used for adding applications to a
Palm PDA.
Motion JPEG
Motion JPEG (M-JPEG) is an informal name for
multimedia formats where each video frame
is separately compressed as a JPEG image. It is
often used in mobile appliances such as digital
system. MP3 is the abbreviation of Motion
14 Glossary
Aspect ratio
Aspect ratio refers to the length to height
ratio of TV screens. The ratio of a standard
or wide TV is 16:9. The letter box allows you
to enjoy a picture with a wider perspective on
a standard 4:3 screen.
Bluetooth® is a short-range wireless protocol
that is meant to allow mobile devices to share
information and applications without the
worry of cables or interface incompatibilities.
Denmark. Operates at 2.4 GHz. For more
information, see bluetooth.com.
CF Card
CompactFlash card. A memory card that uses
CompactFlash card makes data easy to add to
a wide variety of computing devices, including
digital cameras and music players, desktop
computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs),
digital audio recorders, and photo printers.
A very common digital still picture format.
A still-picture data compression system
proposed by the Joint Photographic Expert
Group, which features small decrease in image
quality in spite of its high compression ratio.
‘.jpg or ‘.jpeg.’

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Andere handleiding(en) van Philips SPF7208

Philips SPF7208 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands - 61 pagina's

Philips SPF7208 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Deutsch - 62 pagina's

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