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SHIFT: to get access to additional functions (press together
with other function keys). Depending on the age of
your equipment, the result is for example:
SHIFT + PROG+: increases brightness or menu up function
SHIFT + PROG-: decreases brightness or menu down function
SHIFT + VOL+: increases colour or menu right function
SHIFT + VOL-: decreases colour or menu left function
Try other shift/key combinations on your equipment to
discover which functions are available.
Remember that you can’t get access to additional functions if
these functions were not available on the original remote
control of your equipment!
To operate menu control.
To confirm your selection.
SLEEP: to activate and vary the sleep timer (if available on
your equipment).
To switch on teletext.
To stop changing teletext pages.
To enlarge the teletext display on screen.
To put subtitling on your screen (if available on your
equipment), or to switch teletext off.
If you use the memory out key () to access the next
teletext page on your Philips TV, you can use the subtitle key
to access. For more details see Memory Out section under
Fasttext VCR
Red Rewind
Green Stop
Blue Forward
Yellow Pause
To switch between the external inputs of your equipment.
Instructions for use
You just made a great choice by buying this Philips universal
remote control! It takes the place of as many as six separate
remote controls and can operate the most-used functions of
almost any brand of TV, VCR, satellite tuner/cable decoder
and AUDIO equipment.
Installing the batteries
Your SBC RU 660 needs two 1.5V batteries, type R03, UM4 or
Put them in like this:
Power: to switch TV/VCR/SAT/CD/AUDIO1/AUDIO2 on and off.
Mode Selector: to select TV, VCR, Satellite mode, CD, AUDIO1
or AUDIO2.
Mute: to switch the TV sound on and off.
Channel Up/Down: to select next / previous channel.
Volume Up/Down: to control the TV volume.
Number Keys: for direct channel selection and other
To switch between one and two-digit channel selection and
To switch to the last selected channel.
LR03 / AAA
LR03 / AAA
Instructions for use
• Remember to replace the batteries at least once a year.
• Don’t leave the batteries out for longer than one hour,
otherwise you will need to set-up the SBC RU660 again.
• While the remote control is actively being moved about,
the back-lighting stays on. This consumes more power
than normal and may require you to change your batteries
more frequently. You can easily turn the back-lighting
function off to conserve power. To do this please follow
the instructions in the backlighting section.

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Andere handleiding(en) van Philips SBCRU660

Philips SBCRU660 Gebruiksaanwijzing - Nederlands, Deutsch, English, Français, Italiano, Espanôl - 31 pagina's

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